[COGS] FW: Announcement: Sweepings for the 2021-22 Academic Year

COGSSpeaker COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Tue Sep 7 09:52:49 EDT 2021

Please send me any proposals/ideas that you might have as soon as you can. For those of you wondering what your committees can do, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of. You just need to provide a good case for student benefit and lots of details on how much everything will cost. Let me know if you have any questions!


CHRIS HAGEMEYER, Congress of Graduate Students, Speaker
Florida State University
College of Medicine, Doctoral Candidate in Biomedical Sciences
web sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml | fb FSUCOGS | twt COGSFSU

From: Matthew Linsky <mel20 at my.fsu.edu>
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 9:44 AM
To: Antonella Maneiro <amm18r at my.fsu.edu>, Meagan Marie McLaughlin <mmm17 at my.fsu.edu>, Misha Laurents <laurents at fsu.edu>, Louis Akkermans <laa18c at my.fsu.edu>, Maclain Benton <kmh02h at fsu.edu>, Brandon Bowden <bbowden at fsu.edu>, Jesse O'Reilly <jloreilly at fsu.edu>, Cynthia Green <cgreen2 at fsu.edu>, Nell Robinson <jrrobinson2 at fsu.edu>, Rose Rezaei <rrezaei at fsu.edu>, COGSSpeaker <COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>, Rory Creigh <rcreigh at fsu.edu>, Benjamin Oliver <boliver at fsu.edu>, David Advent <david.advent at fsu.edu>, Alicia Batailles <alicia.batailles at fsu.edu>, Jake Tidwell <jmtidwell at fsu.edu>, fac-sustainablecampus <sustainablecampus at fsu.edu>, Brian Barton <bbarton at admin.fsu.edu>, Brian Barton <bbarton at fsu.edu>, Mark Riley <mriley at admin.fsu.edu>, Alicia Batailles <alicia.batailles at fsu.edu>, LSC <lawschoolcouncil at gmail.com>, "Gomez de la Vega, Reinaldo - Student" <rrg13 at my.fsu.edu>, "Akintonde, David - Student" <doa20b at my.fsu.edu>, Keiana Knowles <ktk20i at my.fsu.edu>, Simone Harris <snh19a at my.fsu.edu>, Lukes Toussaint <lt18b at my.fsu.edu>, Jonah McKitty <jam19r at my.fsu.edu>, Talia Smid <ts19d at my.fsu.edu>, Jovey Osagie <jo20h at my.fsu.edu>
Subject: Re: Announcement: Sweepings for the 2021-22 Academic Year

Good morning Organizations, Departments, and Affiliated Projects,

As of now, the application link for Sweepings in open, and will remain open until Friday, September 17th at 12:00 p.m. (noon): https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_26rmMZXXNPzV3OC<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_26rmMZXXNPzV3OC__;!!Epnw_ITfSMW4!8dc7b2v7FnzElo2h_VOiDFS7FpeMJW-XXim84jWJ2YJJ1NFPstz1XmRr83_o6xRClg$>

For the purposes of clarity, please see below for the text of my previous email which outlines the Sweepings process and should provide guidance for the coming days:

My name is Matthew Linsky, I am the SGA Student Senator from the College of Law, and I am the Chair of the Student Government Association’s Sweepings Committee (“Sweepings”) for the Academic Year of 2021-22.  This email contains pertinent information regarding the Sweepings process, which will begin imminently.  This year, the budget for Sweepings is $1,005,578.

The application for Sweepings will open next Tuesday, September 7, 2021, at 8:00 a.m.  This application shall remain open until Friday, September 17, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. Beginning on Wednesday, September 22nd until Monday, September 27th the Sweepings Committee will hold hearings via Zoom.  Applicants are expected to show up for their hearings in a timely fashion, and those who do not hazard the chance of receiving an allocation. Beginning on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the Sweepings Committee will deliberate, and shall issue a funding bill shortly thereafter. Please see below for an alternative visual representation of the Sweepings calendar.

·         Application Opens: Tuesday, September 7th at 8:00 a.m.

·         Application Closes: Friday, September 17th at 12:00 p.m. (noon)

·         Hearings (via Zoom): Wednesday, September 22nd – Friday, September 24th & Monday, September 27th

·         Deliberations (via Zoom): Tuesday, September 28th

For emphasis, all Sweepings documents must be submitted via the Qualtrics survey that will be emailed to you and posted on the SGA website Tuesday, September 7th In the Qualtrics, you will be asked to explain your organization’s mission and purpose, give detailed descriptions about funds being requested in a prioritized order, provide metrics for how your proposals benefit the student body, and your contact information.  You must upload any supplemental materials and sign up for your Sweepings Hearing via doodle that will be provided. Sweepings should be for purchases and allocations for supplies and needs for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

Please keep in mind that when the Sweepings Committee deliberates, we will consider not only the substance of an application for funding, but also the manner in which the application was submitted. This is to say that well-written requests and informative oral/visual presentations will benefit all parties involved with the Sweepings process.  We encourage organizations to think diligently regarding their requests, with a focus on one-time needs and long-lasting benefit to the student body.

Further information will be provided in an email on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. We look forward to working with your organization; if you have any questions regarding the upcoming Sweepings process, feel free to contact to me at mel20 at my.fsu.edu<mailto:mel20 at my.fsu.edu>, or Vice Chair Stults, bjs18 at my.fsu.edu<mailto:bjs18 at my.fsu.edu>, Assistant Director for SG&A Jacalyn Butts, jbutts at fsu.edu<mailto:jbutts at fsu.edu>, Director of Student Engagement Dr. Felicia Williams fdwilliams at fsu.edu<mailto:fdwilliams at fsu.edu>.


Matthew Linsky

College of Law, ’23

SGA Senator for the College of Law

Chair of Sweepings

Chair of the Senate Rules of Procedure Committee

mel20 at my.fsu.edu<mailto:mel20 at my.fsu.edu>

From: Matthew Linsky
Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 1:42 PM
To: Antonella Maneiro <amm18r at my.fsu.edu>; Meagan Marie McLaughlin <mmm17 at my.fsu.edu>; laurents at fsu.edu <laurents at fsu.edu>; Louis Akkermans <laa18c at my.fsu.edu>; kmh02h at fsu.edu <kmh02h at fsu.edu>; bbowden at fsu.edu <bbowden at fsu.edu>; jloreilly at fsu.edu <jloreilly at fsu.edu>; cgreen2 at fsu.edu <cgreen2 at fsu.edu>; jrrobinson2 at fsu.edu <jrrobinson2 at fsu.edu>; Rose Rezaei <rrezaei at fsu.edu>; COGSSpeaker <COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>; rcreigh at fsu.edu <rcreigh at fsu.edu>; boliver at fsu.edu <boliver at fsu.edu>; david.advent at fsu.edu <david.advent at fsu.edu>; Alicia Batailles <alicia.batailles at fsu.edu>; jmtidwell at fsu.edu <jmtidwell at fsu.edu>; sustainablecampus at fsu.edu <sustainablecampus at fsu.edu>; bbarton at admin.fsu.edu <bbarton at admin.fsu.edu>; bbarton at fsu.edu <bbarton at fsu.edu>; mriley at admin.fsu.edu <mriley at admin.fsu.edu>; Alicia Batailles <alicia.batailles at fsu.edu>; lawschoolcouncil at gmail.com <lawschoolcouncil at gmail.com>; Reinaldo Gomez de la Vega <rrg13 at my.fsu.edu>; David Akintonde <doa20b at my.fsu.edu>; Keiana Knowles <ktk20i at my.fsu.edu>; Simone Harris <snh19a at my.fsu.edu>; Lukes Toussaint <lt18b at my.fsu.edu>; Jonah McKitty <jam19r at my.fsu.edu>; Talia Smid <ts19d at my.fsu.edu>; Jovey Osagie <jo20h at my.fsu.edu>
Subject: Announcement: Sweepings for the 2021-22 Academic Year

Hello Organizations, Departments, and Affiliated Projects,

My name is Matthew Linsky, I am the SGA Student Senator from the College of Law, and I am the Chair of the Student Government Association’s Sweepings Committee (“Sweepings”) for the Academic Year of 2021-22.  This email contains pertinent information regarding the Sweepings process, which will begin imminently.  This year, the budget for Sweepings is $1,005,578.

The application for Sweepings will open next Tuesday, September 7, 2021, at 8:00 a.m.  This application shall remain open until Friday, September 17, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. Beginning on Wednesday, September 22nd until Monday, September 27th the Sweepings Committee will hold hearings via Zoom.  Applicants are expected to show up for their hearings in a timely fashion, and those who do not hazard the chance of receiving an allocation. Beginning on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the Sweepings Committee will deliberate, and shall issue a funding bill shortly thereafter. Please see below for an alternative visual representation of the Sweepings calendar.

·         Application Opens: Tuesday, September 7th at 8:00 a.m.

·         Application Closes: Friday, September 17th at 12:00 p.m. (noon)

·         Hearings (via Zoom): Wednesday, September 22nd – Friday, September 24th & Monday,            September 27th

·         Deliberations (via Zoom): Tuesday, September 28th

For emphasis, all Sweepings documents must be submitted via the Qualtrics survey that will be emailed to you and posted on the SGA website Tuesday, September 7th In the Qualtrics, you will be asked to explain your organization’s mission and purpose, give detailed descriptions about funds being requested in a prioritized order, provide metrics for how your proposals benefit the student body, and your contact information.  You must upload any supplemental materials and sign up for your Sweepings Hearing via doodle that will be provided. Sweepings should be for purchases and allocations for supplies and needs for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

Please keep in mind that when the Sweepings Committee deliberates, we will consider not only the substance of an application for funding, but also the manner in which the application was submitted. This is to say that well-written requests and informative oral/visual presentations will benefit all parties involved with the Sweepings process.  We encourage organizations to think diligently regarding their requests, with a focus on one-time needs and long-lasting benefit to the student body.

Further information will be provided in an email on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. We look forward to working with your organization; if you have any questions regarding the upcoming Sweepings process, feel free to contact to me at mel20 at my.fsu.edu<mailto:mel20 at my.fsu.edu>, or Vice Chair Stults, bjs18 at my.fsu.edu<mailto:bjs18 at my.fsu.edu>, Assistant Director for SG&A Jacalyn Butts, jbutts at fsu.edu<mailto:jbutts at fsu.edu>, Director of Student Engagement Dr. Felicia Williams fdwilliams at fsu.edu<mailto:fdwilliams at fsu.edu>.


Matthew Linsky

College of Law, ’23

SGA Senator for the College of Law

Chair of Sweepings

Chair of the Senate Rules of Procedure Committee

mel20 at my.fsu.edu<mailto:mel20 at my.fsu.edu>

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