mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
Actors | Film School Actors |
Admissions-information | Admissions Information |
Advisors | Registered Student Organization Advisors Discussion List |
AFRSM | Alliance For Response Sarasota/Manatee |
Agedirectors | Directors of Aging Centers |
Aging-FSU | News and events about aging, health, and public policy from across FSU |
Aging-fsu-private | [no description available] |
Almamusicusers | ALMA Music Users |
Amart-l | American Art History Discussion List |
Ame-faculty | AME Faculty |
Annescollege-grad | Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Graduate Student Mailing List |
Annescollege-oasis | OASIS Staff Listserv |
Annescollege-undergrad | [no description available] |
announcing_wvfs | WVFS DJ list |
Art-bastudio | Art Department BA Studio Art |
Art-bfastudio | Art Department BFA Student's List |
Art-faculty | Art Department Faculty Members |
Art-instructors | Art Department Adjunct Instructors |
Art-staff | [no description available] |
As-biocultural | Biocultural Journal Club |
As-mec | Arts and Sciences: Middle East Center: General Information |
As-mec-faculty | Arts and Sciences: Middle East Center: Faculty |
As-mec-students | Arts and Sciences: Middle East Center: Students |
Athletics_listserv | Athletics |
Bio-area2plus | [no description available] |
Bio-bionotes | [no description available] |
Bio-botany | [no description available] |
Bio-cmbgrads | Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Students in the Biological Science Department |
Bio-cmbplus | [no description available] |
Bio-cmbpostdocs | [no description available] |
Bio-eebig | FSU faculty with intellectual interests in ecology and evolution |
Bio-eegrads | Ecology and Evolution Graduate Students in the Biological Science Department |
Bio-eeplus | [no description available] |
Bio-eepostdocs | [no description available] |
Bio-everyone | Everyone at the Department of Biological Science. |
Bio-fraserlab | [no description available] |
Bio-grads | Graduate Students in the Biological Science Department |
Bio-macro | Macro |
Bio-neurograds | Neuroscience Graduate Students in the Biological Science Department |
Bio-neuropostdocs | [no description available] |
Bio-pauper | [no description available] |
Bio-postdocs | list for all Bio postdocs and those interested in our postdoc workshops |
Bio-stokamerrill | [no description available] |
Bsir-statusgroup | BSIR Status Group |
CAAD | Council of Academic Affairs Deans |
CCI-ISCHOOL-MSIT | iSchool MSIT Students |
Cci-ischool-newgrad | [no description available] |
Cdph_ms2023 | [no description available] |
Cehhs-progevalcert | [no description available] |
Cehhs-stephd | [no description available] |
Cehhs-timeproject | [no description available] |
Cge-announcement | [no description available] |
Cge-departments | [no description available] |
Chem-All | [no description available] |
Chem-Undergrad | [no description available] |
Claudepeppercenter | [no description available] |
Coaches | [no description available] |
Cob-alumnihof | [no description available] |
Cob-bcs | [no description available] |
Cob-bizintentstudents | [no description available] |
Cob-bog | [no description available] |
Cob-bog-exec | [no description available] |
Cob-esisdoc | [no description available] |
Cob-gradstudents | [no description available] |
Cob-mandocalums | [no description available] |
Cob-manmajors | [no description available] |
Cob-misdoc | [no description available] |
Cob-obdoc | [no description available] |
Cob-oei | [no description available] |
Cob-slc | [no description available] |
Cob-smdoc | [no description available] |
Cob-undergradstudents | [no description available] |
Cobdeansfac | [no description available] |
Cobdoc | [no description available] |
Cobfac | [no description available] |
Cobstaff | [no description available] |
Cobuba | [no description available] |
Cobwork | [no description available] |
COE-all | All College of Education Faculty and Staff |
COE-ELPS | ELPS - Faculty/Staff |
Coe-faculty | College of Education Faculty Mailing List |
Coe-help | OIIT - COE Computer Help Mailing List |
Coe-ste | School of Teacher Education mailing list |
Coe-stegrad | [no description available] |
Coe-Undergrad | College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Undergraduate Student Mailing List |
Counseling-outreaches | [no description available] |
Cpc-staff | [no description available] |
CPS-Clinical | Clinical staff at Counseling and Psychological Services |
CPS-Everyone | All staff at Counseling and Psychological Services |
Creative-writing | Arts and Sciences: Department of English: Creative Writing: Faculty |
CSFaculty | [no description available] |
Csg | Common Solution Group List for FSU |
CSGrads | [no description available] |
CSMajors | [no description available] |
CSPhdgrads | [no description available] |
CSStaff | [no description available] |
Ctsa_mid-career_scholars | CTSA Mid-Career Scholars List |
Cybersecurity | [no description available] |
DeptReps | Allows Departmental Reps across campus to dialog and share best practices and to have a resource for questions or issues related to research activities. |
digitalhumanities | List for general DH discussion and announcements |
discipuli | Classics Undergraduates |
Durpalumni | [no description available] |
EarlyAm_caucus | scholarly org focusing on literature+culture of the early Americas |
Econ-All | An email list for all faculty, graduate students, and affiliates in the Economics Department. |
Econ-Faculty | An email list for all faculty in the Economics Department. |
Econ-methods | [no description available] |
Econ-ms | [no description available] |
Econ-PhD | An email list for all PhD students in the Economics Department. |
Econ-Staff | An email list for all staff in the Economics Department. |
Econ-t-e | Economics: Theory and Experiments |
Econ-theory-seminar | [no description available] |
Elps-all | [no description available] |
Elps-edd | [no description available] |
Elps-elp-alumni | [no description available] |
elps-ELP-MS | [no description available] |
elps-ELP-PhD | [no description available] |
English-staff | Arts and Sciences: Department of English: Staff |
Envalum | Environmental Law Alumni |
Eoas-discussion | General EOAS discussion |
Eoas-ocngrads | EOAS Oceanography Grad Students |
Eoas-search | [no description available] |
Eoas-seminar | [no description available] |
EPLS-faculty | [no description available] |
Epls-r-users | User support group for R statistical language. |
FABSAA | Florida Association of Bursars and Student Accounting Administrators |
FACET_list | List for FACET (effort reporting) announcements |
Fcrr-faculty | [no description available] |
Fcrr-ops | [no description available] |
Fcrr-student | [no description available] |
Fcrrstaff | [no description available] |
Fda-certificatefacultycoordinators | [no description available] |
Fda-graduatefacultycoordinators | [no description available] |
Fda-undergraduatefacultycoordinators | [no description available] |
FGPS | Florida Group Psychotherapy Society |
Film-BFA1 | For 1st year BFAP students at the FSU Film School. |
Film-BFA2 | For 2nd year BFA students at the FSU Film School. |
Film-BFA3 | For 3rd year BFA students at the FSU Film School. |
Film-MFAp1 | For 1st year MFA production students. |
Film-MFAp2 | For 2nd year MFA production students. |
Film-MFAw1 | First year MFA writing students |
Film-MFAw2 | Second year MFA writing students |
Film-Students | For all students at the FSU Film School. |
Findoc | [no description available] |
Finfac | [no description available] |
FinRep | Financial Representatives |
Finsap | [no description available] |
Fl_sptrain | State of Florida School Psychology Trainers |
Fla-facrl | FACRL |
Fla-facrlboard | Board Members FACRL |
Fla-ffb | FLA-Friends, Foundations & Boards |
Fla-pld | FLA - Public Library Directors |
FLUASWG | The Florida UAS Working Group |
FSLibraryComm | [no description available] |
FSU-Newberry | FSU-Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Consortium. |
Fsufacilitiesandevents | [no description available] |
Fsuhistoryfaculty | FSU Department of History Faculty LISTSERV |
FSUIRB | FSU Institutional Review Board |
FSUMUG | FSU Mac User Group |
fsupafaculty | [no description available] |
FsuPcard | P-Card Updates |
Fsupepperbuilding | [no description available] |
Fsupimuepsilon | [no description available] |
FSUSponsoredResearch | Sponsored Research Administration |
Fsuteachgrads | FSU-Teach Graduates |
FSUTravel | Travel Updates |
Geocommunity | [no description available] |
Geograds | Geography Graduate Students - Florida State University |
Geopostdocs | Postdoctoral Fellows |
Gfdi-students | [no description available] |
Groupsinscc | Developing group interventions in the college counseling center |
GROWTH_Lab | [no description available] |
Gsrc_faculty-staff | [no description available] |
Gsrc_gradstudent | [no description available] |
Healthhumanities | Email list for the Health Humanities Initiative at Florida State University |
Highed-d | [no description available] |
Highed-m | Higher Education Masters Students |
Honors | [no description available] |
HR-DDD | Deans, Directors and Department Heads |
Hrcenter | [no description available] |
HRMS | FSU's Human Resources Management System mailing list |
Humarea | Mailing list for members of departments related to humanities to send messages about events, colloquium, etc |
IDHI | [no description available] |
Idhi_affiliates | [no description available] |
Idhi_smrc | [no description available] |
igc-inbox-insider | [no description available] |
Imbpeople | Institute of Molecular Biophysics general list |
Innovators | [no description available] |
InterfaithCouncil | Members of the FSU Interfaith Council |
ISalumni | Communication for FSU Instructional Systems and Learning Technology Alumni |
ISC-Scholars | For J-1 Exchange Visitors at Florida State University. |
Ischooliadvocacyboard | [no description available] |
Isl | ISL Affilaites |
Isl-community | ISL Community Affiliations |
Isl-jab | ISL Joint Advisory Board |
Isl-participants | ISL Participants List |
Isl-retirees | ISL Faculty and Community Retirees |
Its-generator-contacts | [no description available] |
Its-online-app-service | SurveyMonkey Apply users |
J-students | J1 student immigration information |
K2r_emerging_scholars | K2R Emerging Scholars List |
KLBpeople | Kasha Laboratory Building mail list |
Lar-kin | [no description available] |
Lar-mag | [no description available] |
Lar-pdb | [no description available] |
Latinx-faculty-staff | Listserv of the FSU Latinx Faculty Staff Network |
Law-1L | [no description available] |
Law-alumjudicial | [no description available] |
Law-ambassadors | [no description available] |
Law-circulation | [no description available] |
Law-envtlcert | [no description available] |
Law-envtlfsufaculty | [no description available] |
Law-envtlllm | [no description available] |
Law-falladjuncts | [no description available] |
Law-falltransfers | [no description available] |
Law-firc | [no description available] |
Law-fircstudents | [no description available] |
Law-jluel | [no description available] |
Law-jm | [no description available] |
Law-jmalumni | [no description available] |
Law-jmgrads | [no description available] |
Law-jmnewstudents | [no description available] |
Law-jmprospects | [no description available] |
Law-jtlp | [no description available] |
Law-LegalEd | [no description available] |
Law-llmoncampus | [no description available] |
Law-llmonline | [no description available] |
Law-lrcpurchasing | [no description available] |
Law-meditation | [no description available] |
Law-mootcourt | [no description available] |
Law-springadjuncts | [no description available] |
Law-studentannouncements | [no description available] |
Law-sug2024 | [no description available] |
Leaders | Recognized Student Organization Information List |
Leadership-studies | Undergraduate Leadership Studies Certificate |
Lib-copyright | [no description available] |
lib-ilsimp | ILS mailing list |
Lib-ir | [no description available] |
Lib-ldbase-crossref-doi | LDbase CrossRef DOI Registration Log |
Lib-rls | [no description available] |
Lib-rls-faculty | [no description available] |
Lib-seniorleadership | Senior Leadership Libraries |
Liftopen | [no description available] |
LLRC-staff | LLRC Staff |
Magistri | Classics Department Faculty mailing list |
Mandoc | [no description available] |
MandS-students | Measurement and Statistis Students |
Manfac | [no description available] |
Mardoc | [no description available] |
Marfac | [no description available] |
MedievalStudies | Mailing List for faculty and grad students working in Medieval Studies at FSU. |
Mentoring_program | [no description available] |
Microbiology_researchers | microbiology |
Misfac | [no description available] |
Mll-italian | Mailing list for FSU/community members interested in Italian language, literature, and culture |
Mlladjuncts | Modern Languages Adjuncts |
Mllcoordandsup | Modern Languages Coordinators and TA Supervisors |
Mllcoordinators | Division Coordinators |
Mllfaculty | [no description available] |
Mllfrnfaculty | French Faculty |
Mllfrnta | French Teaching Assistants |
Mllgrads | [no description available] |
Mlllingfac | [no description available] |
Mllspnfaculty | Spanish Faculty |
Mllspnta | Spanish Teaching Assistants |
Mllstaff | Modern Languages Staff |
Mllta | [no description available] |
Music-nicumt | NICU MT Registry |
Musicology | FSU Musicology Area |
Namioncampus | [no description available] |
News-ecap-pc | [no description available] |
Nolenet | IT Professionals list |
Olliatfsu | [no description available] |
Omnes | [no description available] |
OMNI-Financials | OMNI Financials email list |
Openingmindsthroughart | [no description available] |
Openscholars | [no description available] |
outreach | FSU Libraries Faculty Outreach List |
pa-fac-exp | Public Administration Expanded Faculty Mailing List |
Pa-phdstudents | Askew School Doctoral Students |
Pastudt | MPA Student Mailing List |
PC-Facility-Use | Facility use request notification list |
Pc-seminolelandingreport | [no description available] |
Pc-students-enrolled | Students currently enrolled at FSU Panama City |
Pcadance | Popular Culture Association Dance Area |
Pcard-holders | [no description available] |
Phd-durp | phd-durp |
Philosophical-Psychology | Philosophical Psychology Group List |
Physics-cmt | [no description available] |
Physicsaffiliates | Physics researchers with connections to Physics Dept |
Physicsgrads | Physics Grad Students |
Physicsmaglab | Physics Student Affairs communications |
Physicsnews | FSU Physics Department News and announcements |
Physicsstaff | Physics department staff mailing list |
Planning | Department of Urban and Regional Planning list |
Plebs | Classics Department Grad Student mailing list |
Polisci-integrated-colloquium | FSU Political Science Integrated Colloquium |
polisci-ir-workshop | IR Workshop |
Polymers | FSU Polymer Researchers |
Popdance-dsa | DSA Popular, Social, and Vernacular Dance Working Group |
Prelaw | Information for FSU students considering law school. |
ProConRep | Procurement & Contract Services Representatives |
Property_Mgmt | Asset Management |
Psichi | Psi Chi Society |
Psy-ebrc1 | [no description available] |
Psy-hermillerlab | [no description available] |
Psychrec | [no description available] |
Psyling | [no description available] |
Rcc-systems | Research Computing Center's Systems Group |
Registrar | [no description available] |
RegulationsAndPolicies | Regulation and Policy Notices |
REL-Events | Arts and Sciences: Department of Religion: Events |
Religion-dept | Religion Department Information Notification List |
Research-facilities | FSU Wide Research (Core) Facilities Network |
Rhetcomp | Arts and Sciences: Department of English: Rhetoric and Composition: Students and Faculty |
Ricartelab | [no description available] |
Ringling-literati | Ringling Museum Literati Book Club |
Rmidoc | [no description available] |
Rmifac | [no description available] |
Saxophonestudio | [no description available] |
Sbs-academic | Student accounts information for academic admins |
Sbs-ar | [no description available] |
Sbs-billings | [no description available] |
Sbs-cashiering | [no description available] |
Sbs-collections | [no description available] |
Sbs-fa-grouppost | [no description available] |
Sbs-fpp | [no description available] |
Sbs-refund | [no description available] |
Sbs-service | [no description available] |
Sbs-waivers | [no description available] |
SC-Alumni | [no description available] |
SC-MLGroup | DSC Machine Learning (ML) Group |
SC-Seminar-announce | Seminar Announcement List |
Schpsych | FSU_SchPsych |
Security | Information Security and Privacy Forum |
SEMSEC | Society for Ethnomusicology, Southeast and Caribbean Chapter |
Seuce-cci | SEUCE |
Sgt-partners | [no description available] |
Silverslab | [no description available] |
SlateAdvisoryGroup | [no description available] |
Smrc_alumni | [no description available] |
Sot-all-grads | [no description available] |
Sot-event | [no description available] |
Sot-show1 | [no description available] |
Sot-show2 | [no description available] |
Sot-show3 | [no description available] |
Sot-show4 | [no description available] |
Sot-show5 | [no description available] |
Sot-technical-production | [no description available] |
Sot-theatre-management | [no description available] |
Specialcollections | [no description available] |
SsarAdvisoryGroup | [no description available] |
sshosts_wvfs | WVFS Specialty Show Hosts |
Stat-all | Everyone |
Stat-alumni | Statistics Alumni |
Stat-colloquium | Statistics Colloquium announcements |
Stat-datasci | Data Science in Statistics |
Stat-faculty | Statistics Faculty |
Stat-grads | Statistics Grads |
Stat-grants | Grants handling staff |
Stat-jmp | JMP Pro software at FSU |
Stat-jobs | Statistics Jobs |
Stat-netsci | Reading Group on Statistical Network Science and Network data |
Stat-shape | Shape Group |
Stat-staff | Statistics Staff |
Stat-ugradclub | Undergraduate Statistics club |
Stat-undergrads | Statistics Undergraduates |
Studentbusiness | Student Finance Internal Memo |
SUS-dual-enrollment | State University System dual enrollment program coordinators |
Test-bph | [no description available] |
Titan_users | [no description available] |
ToughTalksCOVID | [no description available] |
Transportation_Announcements | Daily TAPS Updates |
Uba-all | University Business Administrators - All Staff |
Ugs-transferstudents-no-reply | [no description available] |
Univ-calendar | FSU University Wide Calendar System |
Volunteer-sasjbep | [no description available] |
WarrenReport | Film School Warren Report |
Webmasters | Webmaster List for FSU website designers and developers. |
Westcott-Announcements | [no description available] |
XSFS | XSFS email list |
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