[Seuce-cci] Question from U of South Carolina

Melissa T Lalande mtallo1 at lsu.edu
Wed Nov 13 11:27:01 EST 2019

We allow students to put in their top 3 peds and top 3 adult requests.
Requests do not mean they will receive placement, it simply helps me to know where they would like to go and if their availability and competency needs match their request, I will place them at that site.
Several of our sites require interviews for placements, so that is also a determining factor.

Melissa T. Lalande, M.A.CCC-SLP
Coordinator of Clinical Services
LSU Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Speech, Language, Hearing Clinic

54 Hatcher Hall
Baton Rouge, LA   70803​
​mtallo1 at lsu.edu
office phone:  225.578.2994
clinic phone:  225.578.9054
clinic fax:  225.578.2995

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From: Seuce-cci <seuce-cci-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> on behalf of Maya Clark via Seuce-cci <seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:26 AM
To: Lisa Scott <Lisa.Scott at cci.fsu.edu>
Cc: seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu <seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu>
Subject: Re: [Seuce-cci] Question from U of South Carolina

We send out a survey to determine what students' interest are relative to disordered populations and ages as well as to determine any special interests and skill sets they have. However, they do not request sites or locations.

We place on competency and professional development needs. Interests are taken into consideration after those primary needs are accounted for.

On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 2:03 PM Lisa Scott via Seuce-cci <seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu>> wrote:

Hi all,

Danielle Varnedoe has asked that I post the following question to the listserv:

Here at the University of South Carolina we are wondering how other programs plan student external practicum placements.  At the SIG 11 presentation last year at ASHA, I heard several programs state that they only ask students for their preferred geographic location and the practicum coordinator/clinic director schedules a site based on the student’s competency needs.  Other programs allow the students to request specific types of sites (SNF versus in-patient hospital) as well as a specific site (name of hospital, SNF system, etc.).  If some of you would be willing to share how you plan external placements with your students I would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks!

Please reply either to the listserv or to Danielle directly (daniell at mailbox.sc.edu<mailto:daniell at mailbox.sc.edu>)


Lisa A. Scott, Ph.D. CCC-SLP, F-ASHA

Director of Clinical Education

FSU School of Communication Science & Disorders

201 W. Bloxham, Tallahassee, FL 32306-1200

850-644-9143 (ph)          850-644-8994 (fax)

2016 University Distinguished Teacher

Vice President for Professional Development, Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences & Disorders (CAPCSD)

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Maya R. Clark, PhD, CCC-SLP
Associate Professor
Director, Communication Sciences and Disorders Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__http*3A*2F*2Fchp.georgiasouthern.edu*2Frehabilitation*2Fundergraduate-majors*2Fcommunication-sciences-and-disorders*2F__*3B!5Xm4_O-4tfk!gdhkWfbM0V90UvMH8I5wDnhgO_q4nuGWhf6YhY7tDNmxwn0uXZ8ncSJvvkPC1hPcW2ERww*24&data=02*7C01*7Cmtallo1*40lsu.edu*7C1294ad7efced4e0ff5e508d76845ac4b*7C2d4dad3f50ae47d983a09ae2b1f466f8*7C0*7C0*7C637092520764444048&sdata=q88E66REh24kQ6VKTCN9VI*2FZN0tWkedVxVWun*2Bf4exg*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!5Xm4_O-4tfk!kfPbQwuyeGB97HjuSmj3-XpQzGzSHUiFgM7SJbGNQlVXrnyylQVOczJZw71MjTcH0cbK-g$ >
Georgia Southern University, Armstrong Campus
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Department #4902
11935 Abercorn Street
Savannah, GA 31419
912-344-2606 (office)
912-344-3439 (fax)

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Georgia Southern University, Armstrong Campus
Department #4903
Armstrong Center, Suite 25
13040 Abercorn Street
Savannah, GA 31419
912 344 2735

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