[Law-envtlcert] Planning Dispute Resolution course

Hannah Wiseman hwiseman at fsu.edu
Thu Aug 15 11:14:41 EDT 2019

Dear Environmental Certificate Students,
I write to encourage you to consider taking the following course in the Urban and Regional Planning School. This is an excellent course for anyone interested in Land Use Law, and it has a great practical skills training component. It is also an evening course, which might be convenient for students who will be working or doing externships or internships during the semester.
URP 5122 Ref # 9368

Planning Dispute Resolution
(Negotiation, Collaboration and Consensus Building)

Fall 2019

Tuesdays 5:15 to 8:00; 111 Bellamy

Dr. Tom Taylor
Pepper Building, Rm. 275
ttaylor at fsu.edu<mailto:ttaylor at fsu.edu>

Course Description

Our communities, country and world are facing unprecedented economic, environmental, political and social challenges.  Planners, public administrators, lawyers, business people and others negotiate every day, participate in meetings and prepare materials for decision-making.  Their success and that of their employers, shareholders, clients, and communities depends on their expertise AND on their ability to negotiate, advocate and seek consensus on quality solutions.

This course is designed to provide the skills needed to analyze complex and controversial situations and negotiate and facilitate shared solutions.  We will address challenges related to: permitting, siting locally unwanted land uses, enforcing environmental regulations, implementing projects and programs, allocating public services and resources, intergovernmental coordination and plan, policy and rule development.   We will explore collaborative alternatives to adversarial or unilateral decision approaches that often drain public and private resources, damage important relationships, result in less than ideal solutions or fail to resolve the issues in any way.

We will “learn by doing” in negotiation role-plays, small and full group exercises and individual and group projects. The class challenge is to shape a shared understanding (practical theory) for advocacy, consensus seeking and dispute resolution that can be used by public and private planners and others. This “challenge-based learning” provides a model for collaborative problem solving within and between groups in a wide range of personal and professional settings at all levels.  Students from all departments are encouraged to enroll.

Best wishes,
Hannah Wiseman
Attorneys’ Title Professor and Associate Dean for Environmental Programs<http://www.law.fsu.edu/academics/jd-program/environmental-energy-land-use-law>
Florida State University College of Law
425 West Jefferson St.
Tallahassee, FL 32306
hwiseman at law.fsu.edu<mailto:hwiseman at law.fsu.edu>
Office:  Roberts Hall, Room 237
SSRN author page: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1331806
Faculty web page: http://www.law.fsu.edu/our-faculty/profiles/hwiseman

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