[Fla-facrlboard] Scholarship Question

Alyssa Koclanes koclanan at eckerd.edu
Thu Aug 20 18:48:54 EDT 2020

Hi Julie,

Great question! We did discuss that briefly as a board a few months ago
when we decided on the virtual conference registrations and we agreed to
still provide scholarship winners with a cash amount and free registration
as in past years. I don't believe we decided if we want to keep it at $300
or increase it, perhaps to either $400 or $500. We usually have two
scholarship winners.

What are everyone's thoughts? We do have the funds available to
increase the amount.


*Alyssa Koclanes, M.A.* (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor
Technical Services, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
Eckerd College Library <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eckerd.edu/library/__;!!PhOWcWs!gpclV-4qndWs5-PER8KSMga1YB_jS5sa--GxqOrP4UnzhfGNr2hwX1vv3Vm8xs7MA-OTm6fS_Q$ >

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4200 54th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33711

On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 3:54 PM Hornick, Julie N via Fla-facrlboard <
fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu> wrote:

> This listserv message is brought to you courtesy of Florida Library
> Association
> Hi all,
> I have had a question from Ava in regards to scholarships this year. In
> the past, free registration and $300 to defray travel costs have been
> offered, and she is wondering what the committee should plan to offer this
> year, since travel is not a consideration.
> I know conference registration for members is going to be $15, and for
> nonmembers it is $45. Should there be an award over and above the cost of
> the conference?
> Any thoughts from the Board about this?
> Thank you!
> Julie
> *Julie N. Hornick (*she/her*)* | Instructional Services Librarian
> Florida Southern College | Roux Library
> For appointments: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendly.com/jhornick-roux__;!!PhOWcWs!gpclV-4qndWs5-PER8KSMga1YB_jS5sa--GxqOrP4UnzhfGNr2hwX1vv3Vm8xs7MA-Oq455wEg$ 
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendly.com/jhornick-roux__;!!PhOWcWs!hnnFt2QSaxX5thPM9KbAqMCSrw4sPf8RqKJ4nV-WSgx8h41Eb5n6z7yUZxZZUwFX65N6VzMdew$>
> *From:* Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> *On Behalf
> Of *Alyssa Koclanes via Fla-facrlboard
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 20, 2020 3:29 PM
> *To:* Cristy Moran <cmoran at broward.edu>
> *Cc:* fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [Fla-facrlboard] Hopin Virtual Event Platform
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise
> caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown
> senders.
> Great, thanks everyone for the feedback! The Program Committee
> discussed having interactive poster sessions where each poster presenter
> would have their own Zoom room and attendees could visit different ones, so
> we would need to use some additional Zoom licenses for that part since
> there are six poster presenters, but it looks like we would be set as
> several of us have Zoom accounts to use.
> All 22 presenters have confirmed acceptance, which is great! I will
> connect with Guy and Craig about the sponsorship levels and hopefully we
> can open up registration to the conference next week and start advertising
> that.
> Alyssa
> --
> *Alyssa Koclanes, M.A.* (she/her/hers)
> Associate Professor
> Technical Services, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
> Eckerd College Library
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.eckerd.edu/library/__;!!PhOWcWs!jqi5uxKXFL47JysyN2i2C0txeQHwa11h7IvbG0mLKX2vzJ47Cd7pSySttLPZ7Ux1QsrxqWUNOg$>
> 727.864.8460
> Eckerd College
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.eckerd.edu__;!!PhOWcWs!jqi5uxKXFL47JysyN2i2C0txeQHwa11h7IvbG0mLKX2vzJ47Cd7pSySttLPZ7Ux1Qspmyda3hw$>
> 4200 54th Avenue South
> St. Petersburg, Florida 33711
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 3:11 PM Cristy Moran <cmoran at broward.edu> wrote:
> Good call. I also have an institutional Zoom license/ account.
> Thanks!
> __
> Cristy Moran
> She/ Her/ Ella
> Broward College North Campus Library
> *For Additional Information & Help*
> Make an appointment for research help
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/broward.libcal.com/appointments/__;!!PhOWcWs!jqi5uxKXFL47JysyN2i2C0txeQHwa11h7IvbG0mLKX2vzJ47Cd7pSySttLPZ7Ux1QsqmvcKWaA$>
> Chat with a librarian now
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> Visit the Broward College Library website
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/broward.edu/library__;!!PhOWcWs!jqi5uxKXFL47JysyN2i2C0txeQHwa11h7IvbG0mLKX2vzJ47Cd7pSySttLPZ7Ux1Qso-yJdLAg$>
> [image: Broward College]
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> *Cristy Moran**​*
> *Librarian*
> *, *
> *Broward College*
> *P: *
> *+1 (954) 201-2603* <+1%20(954)%20201-2603>
> *E: *
> *cmoran at broward.edu* <cmoran at broward.edu>
>  |
> *W: *
> *broward.edu*
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/broward.edu__;!!PhOWcWs!jqi5uxKXFL47JysyN2i2C0txeQHwa11h7IvbG0mLKX2vzJ47Cd7pSySttLPZ7Ux1QspZPLcXXg$>
> *A: *
> 1000 E Coconut Creek Pkwy.
> Coconut Creek, FL 33066
> [image: Broward College Top 10 Aspen Prize Finalist]
> *From:* Deborah Prosser <DPROSSER at Rollins.edu>
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 20, 2020 2:56 PM
> *To:* Alyssa Koclanes <koclanan at eckerd.edu>; Cristy Moran <
> cmoran at broward.edu>
> *Subject:* RE: [Fla-facrlboard] Hopin Virtual Event Platform
> *CAUTION: *This email originated from outside of Broward College. DO NOT
> click links or open attachments unless you are expecting the information
> and recognize the sender.
> ------------------------------
> I agree using Zoom makes sense from a financial perspective.
> Deborah
> Deborah Prosser, Ph.D.
> Director of Olin Library
> Rollins College
> dprosser at rollins.edu
> *From:* Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> *On Behalf
> Of *Alyssa Koclanes via Fla-facrlboard
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 20, 2020 2:47 PM
> *To:* Cristy Moran <cmoran at broward.edu>
> *Cc:* fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [Fla-facrlboard] Hopin Virtual Event Platform
> * External Email *
> Thanks Crisy for the clarification on that. Since we would have to use
> Hopin's registration, it would increase the price by quite a lot. Also, I
> found out during the demo that if we wanted to have a test run with the
> presenters in advance, that has to be set up as an event and use tickets,
> so that would also increase the cost.
> Using Zoom Meeting for the breakout sessions would definitely be more cost
> effective, as Nancy (Program Chair,), Heather and I all have accounts to
> use Eckerd College's Zoom Meeting license, which can have up to 300
> participants and each of us could run one for the concurrent breakout
> sessions...we could have three Zoom links for the different tracks (A, B
> and C). The Tampa Bay Library Consortium has done this for two online
> conferences recently with concurrent breakout sessions and it worked very
> well.
> It would also be easy to set up a demo time with the presenters and Zoom
> would be a much more familiar platform for both the presenters and
> attendees. This would also allow us to use our current registration system
> in Wild Apricot for the conference.
> Alyssa
> --
> *Alyssa Koclanes, M.A.* (she/her/hers)
> Associate Professor
> Technical Services, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
> Eckerd College Library
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.eckerd.edu/library/__;!!PhOWcWs!mI1nyjGxGW12J3c7EPJTLkkKavQ63_aB4_DIdiEDgo64WL2azbecgiFGklyYMrQc4Bbnur-ciA$>
> 727.864.8460
> Eckerd College
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.eckerd.edu__;!!PhOWcWs!mI1nyjGxGW12J3c7EPJTLkkKavQ63_aB4_DIdiEDgo64WL2azbecgiFGklyYMrQc4BYpE05UcQ$>
> 4200 54th Avenue South
> St. Petersburg, Florida 33711
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 11:25 AM Cristy Moran via Fla-facrlboard <
> fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu> wrote:
> This listserv message is brought to you courtesy of Florida Library
> Association
> I asked a question on the Hopin demo about the registration (the demo
> portion of the webinar mentioned uploading CSV or other forms for our own
> registrants if they've signed up in different systems including Eventbrite)
> and they responded the following:
> On the EA plan the default reg is Hopin but on the Pro plan you can use
> other registration systems
> Thanks!
> __
> Cristy Moran
> She/ Her/ Ella
> Broward College North Campus Library
> For Additional Information & Help
> Make an appointment for research help
> Chat with a librarian now
> Visit the Broward College Library website
> [image: Broward College]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/broward.edu__;!!PhOWcWs!nJI03CV-04NmFmVJ-XIQZAim0rMLmh5kQVUqcAbDMKvhxgrA6YiDwMoFcFXta3jA92EyPFHmPw$>
> *Cristy Moran**​*
> *Librarian*
> *, *
> *Broward College*
> *P: *
> *+1 (954) 201-2603* <+1%20(954)%20201-2603>
> *E: *
> *cmoran at broward.edu* <cmoran at broward.edu>
>  |
> *W: *
> *broward.edu*
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/broward.edu__;!!PhOWcWs!nJI03CV-04NmFmVJ-XIQZAim0rMLmh5kQVUqcAbDMKvhxgrA6YiDwMoFcFXta3jA92EyPFHmPw$>
> *A: *
> 1000 E Coconut Creek Pkwy.
> Coconut Creek, FL 33066
> [image: Broward College Top 10 Aspen Prize Finalist]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> On Behalf Of
> Alyssa Koclanes via Fla-facrlboard
> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 2:53 PM
> To: Cooke, Rachel <rcooke at fgcu.edu>
> Cc: FACRL Board <fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu>
> Subject: Re: [Fla-facrlboard] Hopin Virtual Event Platform
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of Broward College. DO NOT
> click links or open attachments unless you are expecting the information
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