[FCLCA] Outside tutoring companies

Kristie Keuntjes kristie.keuntjes at rasmussen.edu
Fri Jan 15 11:01:10 EST 2021

Hi Jennifer!

We use Brainfuse.com.  We've used them since 2009 for both  a peer tutoring platform and professional tutoring (including their writing lab). Accounting, math, and writing get the most usage. Survey results are generally positive from students who work with them - higher for the writing lab than for professional tutoring. Very few issues that have disrupted service for students, and quick to resolve them when they do occur.

Kristie Keuntjes, M.Ed. | Learning Services Coordinator, School of Nursing
Certified Learning Center Professional - Level 3
Rasmussen University
Office: 352-291-8568
Rasmussen.edu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://rasmussen.edu/__;!!PhOWcWs!n7an1VmxrL-7Lb6hDt1W5i0WdGScNNjqKsYBc5js0SM0bBsc_JUKLe_dEoWd11XGvw$ >

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From: FCLCA <fclca-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> On Behalf Of Jennifer Bebergal via FCLCA
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021 6:09 PM
To: fclca at lists.fsu.edu
Cc: Jennifer Bebergal <bebergal at fau.edu>
Subject: [FCLCA] Outside tutoring companies

External Email
Hi everyone,

I hope you are doing well. We have heard that UF is using Knack and is reportedly happy with them. My dean is wondering if any other schools are using outside tutoring companies (Smartthinking, Knack, or others) to supplement the tutoring that you provide. If you are, please share which company, what courses they support, how you fund them and at what level, what type of utilization you get, and what your thoughts are. Thank you all!

Best wishes,


Jennifer Bebergal, Ed.D.

Associate Dean for Retention and Academic Support

Certified Learning Center Professional - Level 4, Lifetime

Center for Learning And Student Success (CLASS)

Florida Atlantic University

777 Glades Road, GS 223

Boca Raton, FL 33431


https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.fau.edu/CLASS__;!!PhOWcWs!n7an1VmxrL-7Lb6hDt1W5i0WdGScNNjqKsYBc5js0SM0bBsc_JUKLe_dEoWITnvPCQ$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.fau.edu/CLASS__;!!PhOWcWs!ibK3kSOEHqeg9WhqJPu5TifRxFU2Lh0ErHlz_Njb72chStoSwNRhS34k-s_ldr5Xhg$>

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