[COGS] CHAW Upcoming Trainings & Workshops

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Fri Jan 20 11:12:14 EST 2023

Hello All!

CHAW has several upcoming trainings and workshops. Please share with your student communities.

Recovery Ally Training

The Recovery Ally Training is a 2-hour interactive workshop that facilitates self-reflection and self-monitoring around substance use and misuse. It encourages students to change the way they think about addiction, alter how they talk about substance misuse, and adapt how they approach recovery. Students gain tangible tools for recognizing warning signs, initiating conversations, and connecting with resources to address addiction and substance misuse.

        *   January 24th  6pm-8pm Globe 2600
        *   February 7th  6pm-8pm Globe 2600
        *   March 7th  6pm-8pm Globe 2600
        *   April 11th 6pm-8pm Globe 2600

Register here: https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7UTYDz8oxuzfH1k

Fiscally Fit: Financial Wellness Series

We are excited to partner with FSU Unconquered By Debt to bring you workshops that look at aspects of money, budgeting, investing and more.  Check out our spring series. 

        *   January 26th Money Management 7pm-8pm HWC 2500
        *   February 23rd  Taxes 101 7pm-8pm HWC 2500
        *   March 23rd  Credit Management 7pm-8pm HWC 2500

Registration: Unconquered by Debt: Financial Wellness Workshops (signupgenius.com)<https://www.signupgenius.com/go/ubd#/>

Sports Nutrition Series

Campus Rec and CHAW are collaborating to offer a sports nutrition series in the evenings from 5:30-6:30pm located in HWC 2500. You will have the opportunity to learn all about supplements, mindful eating, meal prepping on a budget and more!

        *   January 26th Supplements: What is Worth the Money?

           *   Curious about supplements and which ones are worth the hype? Learn all about creatine, caffeine, & beyond.

        *   February 16th Eating Your Way Through the Love Holiday

           *   Come learn how to eat mindfully. Sit back, relax, and enjoy some delicious chocolate while getting in touch with your internal cues.

        *   March 7th De-stress Your Eating at Stress Busters

           *   Stop by to de-stress and learn how to make some quick healthy snacks!
           *   11-1:30p, Leach Center

        *   April 4th Protein & Meal Prep on a Budget

           *   Protein, from the basics to specifics. Learn all about what protein is and does, and how to meal-prep on a budget!

Registration is through the FSU Campus Rec app. Sports Nutrition Series - Rec Connect - FSU Campus Recreation<https://rc.campusrec.fsu.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=79254a69-0d8d-464b-a84b-c457d159713b&semesterId=46f1cd43-99ae-483f-bda9-388b91453f82>

Noles CARE

Noles C.A.R.E. and CHAW are collaborating to offer a suicide prevention workshop on Monday, 2/6 from 5pm-6pm. The workshop illustrates a step-by-step process anyone can use when concerned about someone’s mental health. The program clearly explains ways to express concern, ask about suicidal thoughts or other mental health issues, refer to resources, and encourage help-seeking. YOU have the power to just ask and make a difference in someone’s life!

        *   February 6th from 5-6pm, HWC 2500


Rose Rezaei, M.Ed.


Director, Center for Health Advocacy & Wellness<https://chaw.fsu.edu/>

Florida State University

960 Learning Way

Tallahassee, FL 32306-4178

rrezaei at fsu.edu<mailto:rrezaei at fsu.edu>






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