[COGS] September 29th Election Reminder / Re: Declaration of Candidacy

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Tue Sep 27 09:26:39 EDT 2022

Good morning, Representatives!

As we officially head into election season, I am writing with a reminder that each member of COGS, as well as those interested in running for a seat, is required to submit a Declaration of Candidacy form by Thursday, September 29th at 4:00pm. Here is the link to complete the Declaration of Candidacy form: http://fla.st/vote

This can be completed on a mobile device or laptop/computer. It will take approximately 2-5 minutes to complete. You will need to have your EMPLID when filling out the form. You will need to type in the seat (number) you are running for (your current seat OR a different open position) followed by the organization (Congress of Graduate Students). Current seat numbers are updated on the COGS website. Please ensure you are running for your current seat (if you are not running for another open position) so that more than one person does not run for the same seat. You should not required to report your party affiliation, but if you are forced to, then it might be best to pick independent.

Attached please find and note the calendar dates for upcoming election deadlines. COGS candidates are not required to attend the candidate seminars. However, COGS students must still submit campaign contributions forms and Final Expense Statements, even if no money was donated or spent. I will send more information about those next week.

Have a great Tuesday and please stay safe this week with Hurricane Ian moving into our area.

Laura Vaughn
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
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