[COGS] Fwd: Celebrating Rockstar Grad Students at FSU

COGSSpeaker COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Wed Mar 30 19:35:45 EDT 2022

Please submit your profile information below!

From: Adrienne Stephenson <apstephenson at admin.fsu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 3:47 PM
To: Gaurav Harshe <gharshe at fsu.edu>
Cc: Honorine Rouiller <hrouiller at fsu.edu>
Subject: Celebrating Rockstar Grad Students at FSU


The Graduate School and the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards would love to highlight the COGS representatives by including their student profiles on the GradImpact<https://ogfa.fsu.edu/gradimpact> website. WOW, there is so much diversity amongst this group!! Our goal is to capture and share the day-to-day experiences of graduate students and the impactful research and work that they do on multiple platforms. Would you ask the group if they would be interested in submitting profile info? Here is the link Submit Profile Info Here<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fsu.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F1M0f5t4rqBSpnCJ&d=DwMFAg&c=MNHwOqQ8N1u91SoMLfIblwuGXKgp50OPUXjl8uRAbak&r=XfvruxMhc0fObw0wFSA7Lw&m=l9Wx2CqL1Xb-0SzT8KsPOTS2TDJZfj-6Ww_zo4jatZ4&s=UFuhyOfwdIKr5ejqui1weI5kvrGXVIfZQU5ovXXVH_o&e=>.


Dr. Stephenson

Florida State University

Assistant Dean, The Graduate School

Director, Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards

McKnight Fellowship Program Liaison

Digital Narratives<https://ogfa.fsu.edu/gradimpact> Project: GradImpact Lead


Facebook<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/ogfafsu__;!!Epnw_ITfSMW4!8yJkd4bwoss90NruWoI8ulegJOPCM4iOxzAHI6vv-hhaFF84zn2Lk1w1ocu8pcHPwQ$> | Web<http://ogfa.fsu.edu/>

When you get the choice to sit it out or dance – I hope you dance :)

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