[COGS] Fwd: Office of Governmental Affairs Banquet Invitation

COGSSpeaker COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Tue Mar 29 08:30:42 EDT 2022

Please sign up if you are available. Same evening as the Spring inauguration!
From: Rawan Abhari <director.oga.fsu at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 6:38:00 AM
Cc: Felicia Williams <fdwilliams at fsu.edu>; SGA-President <fsusgapresident at admin.fsu.edu>; Internal Assistant Director Assistant Director <internal.oga.fsu at gmail.com>; Jacalyn Butts <jbutts at fsu.edu>
Subject: Office of Governmental Affairs Banquet Invitation

Good Morning!

I am excited to invite you to the Office of Governmental Affairs' end of the year banquet on April 11th at 8pm in the Globe Auditorium! During the evening, we will be commemorating the work OGA's board has kickstarted and accomplished coming out of the pandemic, the wins FSU garnered from the Legislature, the success of the Noles Engaged in Politics cohort, and much more!

There will be a limited amount of seats available for the evening, so please RSVP here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6XMa4lYrMj4EUFU__;!!PhOWcWs!i1bOW36d25dBFIsF9fLoaUtQx8JPI8DbyEFPF67Q1mNGpk58EiaKyzPWbiOpY5XYUdJVag$> as soon as possible in order to guarantee your attendance.

My Deputy Directors Jason and Ariel, along with my entire board, have worked tirelessly to get the OGA back on the radars of all levels of governmental advocacy in order to sustain longevity in our fight for FSU students. We are lucky to say that is just one of the many achievements you will hopefully be joining us in celebrating on April 11th.

As always, we would not be able to gain any successes on behalf of students without our partners at Pittman Law Group, Student Engagement, Student Affairs, the Governmental Relations Office, the identity based agencies, and the Executive Branch. To all of you, thank you beyond measure.

[Screen Shot 2022-03-29 at 12.22.44 AM.png]

In Solidarity,


Rawan Abhari
Executive Director of The Office of Governmental Affairs
(636) 489-9001
|       director.oga.fsu at gmail.com<mailto:director.oga.fsu at gmail.com>
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