[COGS] COGS Instagram Takeover / Re: Volunteers Needed

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Tue Feb 15 13:23:44 EST 2022

Hi all!

I'd like to do another round of Instagram takeovers that showcase our wonderful representatives. Please take a look at our Instagram account and review the pinned stories for examples: cogsfsu

If you have already participated in an Instagram takeover, please refrain from signing up at this time.

Ideally, one representative will take over the Instagram account each day. You can post pictures, primarily using the Stories function - but you're also welcome to use Live - throughout the day. This is meant for graduate students and community partners to feel more personally connected to those who make up our organization, and learn about our different backgrounds. Plus, graduate students, from many different departments, tend to find things in common very quickly! Many of us write, go to classes, teach classes, prepare for theses and research projects, etc. Please share freely about your day if you sign up for one of the Takeover Days. However, I only ask that you end the Takeover by sharing what COGS means to you, and what you value in your experience on COGS. I'm happy to talk this through more personally if you'd like to send me an email. Please complete this Doodle if you are interested in signing up: https://doodle.com/poll/mw7ppef2szhc2d6g?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link

If you see another person has already selected a day, please select another day. Takeover Days will be planned as follows:
Thursday February 17th
Friday February 18th
Monday February 21st (COGS Assembly Meeting day)

Thank you all!

Sara Collins

Sara Collins
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
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