[COGS] SB 86

COGSSpeaker COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Mon Mar 8 10:45:55 EST 2021

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend. I wanted to inform you all that Bill SB 86 will be heard in Senate Education Committee on March 9th at 3:30PM. In summary, this bill proposes limiting state funding (via Bright Futures) for students that do not choose certain “market-driven” degrees.

  *   The Board of Governors and the State Board of Education must approve by the end of each calendar year a list of undergraduate and graduate degree programs that lead directly to employment.
  *   Beginning in the 2022-2023 academic year, the state would limit eligibility for state financial program to 60 hours unless a student is enrolled in a program on the list of market driven degree programs.

Representatives from FSU Office of Governmental Affairs will be making a public appearance at the Civic center on March 9th to voice their disapproval of this bill. I wanted to inform you all on this matter and let you know that you are welcome to fill out a public appearance card and bring it to the Civic Center on March 9th, found here (https://www.flsenate.gov/UserContent/Committees/CommitteeAppearanceForm.pdf ) You can waive your right to speak and indicate that you are against the bill or you can speak socially distanced at the Civic Center. This is a chance to voice your opinions to the Florida Senators. I am personally against this bill because it will only add government control of what students are learning. College should be about free thinking and pursuing the degree you want, not the one the state will pay for. I understand that there is a student debt problem, but I do not believe this is the way to solve it. I believe diversity makes our country strong and this applies to a diversity of knowledge as well.  Obviously these bills contain a lot more information so I encourage you all to read up on it for yourselves before establishing an official opinion. I will be keeping you all updated on Office of Governmental Affairs work to give you guys the option to participate and voice your opinions to our elected officials.


CHRIS HAGEMEYER, Congress of Graduate Students, Speaker
Florida State University
College of Medicine, Doctoral Candidate in Biomedical Sciences
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