[COGS] Next COGS Meeting

COGSSpeaker COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Mon Aug 9 12:43:21 EDT 2021

Happy Monday Everyone!

I hope you all are enjoying your Summer semester and excited for the Fall. I have a few announcements in regards to our first meeting of the Fall semester.

Our meeting will be on Monday August 23rd at 6:30PM. This will be a hybrid event with the in person portion located at HCB 103. This is a very large lecture hall with plenty of space to spread out. Everyone will be encouraged to socially distance and follow University recommendations. If you are experiencing any COVID related symptoms, please stay at home and use the zoom link that will be attached to our bill packet later next week. I would also discourage any eating during the assembly out of respect for others. I will also be using the speaker fund to purchase a meeting owl<https://owllabs.com/products/meeting-owl-pro?utm_source=adwords&utm_campaign=RLSA+Campaign&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=owl%20camera&hsa_kw=owl%20camera&hsa_mt=b&hsa_tgt=aud-358600942049:kwd-191269278&hsa_src=g&hsa_ad=410040704524&hsa_ver=3&hsa_cam=8548498497&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_acc=2493962266&hsa_grp=89870277722&gclid=CjwKCAjwpMOIBhBAEiwAy5M6YNTEXHncJqxRXgXUd7g5HwEdtD_rtsc5KU6oT-e8u5ACkOACIeRUgxoCzPwQAvD_BwE> as a means of conducting these hybrid events. The Senate will also be purchasing one as well so that we can have two total to set up around the room. We may have technical difficulties or issues so please bring your laptops so we have the backup plan of logging in on zoom for our virtual attendees.

Additionally, Sara Collins was filling in as temporary Deputy Speaker of Communications while Tiffani Mendez was on summer leave. I was recently informed that Tiffani will not be returning to COGS in the Fall so we will be holding an election for the position 1st meeting back. Despite Sara expressing interest in maintaining the position, we still need to conduct another election.  In order to run for the position, you must be nominated by another member in the assembly and give a 3 minute speech on why you are suited for the position. Let me know if you have any questions about this process.

Finally, University COVID guidelines have been changing so I am attaching a link to the Student Affairs page. https://studentaffairs.fsu.edu/student-life/student-guidelines#travel Please read up on these policies so that everyone can be informed and properly advise our RSOs.


CHRIS HAGEMEYER, Congress of Graduate Students, Speaker
Florida State University
College of Medicine, Doctoral Candidate in Biomedical Sciences
web sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml | fb FSUCOGS | twt COGSFSU

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