[COGS] FW: FSU Childcare: Dr Seuss Celebration Invitation

COGSDepSpeaker COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Thu Feb 20 21:36:58 EST 2020

Hello COGS Representatives,

FSU Childcare has extended an invitation for us to attend their Annual Dr. Seuss Celebration and read a book to the children. Adam and I have visited the center before and it was a great outreach opportunity.

I plan to attend, and if anyone would like to join me, just let me know.

I know there are issues that come up during the Budgetary Process about the Childcare center every year. If anyone would like to address those, this is a good opportunity to meet with the center and set up any possible meetings to discuss their funding (as well as see all the cute kids).

Caitlyn Blake-Hedges
COGS Deputy Speaker for Finance

From: Tiffany Karnisky <tkarnisky at admin.fsu.edu>
Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 8:40 AM
To: COGSDepSpeaker <COGSDepSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu>
Subject: FSU Childcare: Dr Seuss Celebration Invitation

Good Morning Caitlyn
Hope your New Year is going well.   FSU Childcare will be holding our Annual Dr. Seuss Celebration in partnership with the FSU Bookstore on Friday, March 6 from 5:00-7:00 PM.   We would like to extend a personal invitation to you to attend this event.   We would love to have you attend and read a Dr. Seuss book in our reading tent.

Hope you are able to attend.

Thank you for your support of student families.


Tiffany Karnisky, MSW
Associate Director for Family Services
FSU Childcare and Early Learning Program
612 S. Copeland  St.
Tallahassee, FL 32301

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