[COGS] Committee Assignments

COGSSpeaker COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Wed Sep 18 10:47:14 EDT 2019

Good Morning Representatives,

Below you will find the list of committee assignments. Listed committee chairs please email your committee to set up a meeting within the next two weeks. Please cc me on that email. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.


Caitlyn Blake-Hedges
Internal Affairs/Chair
Caroline Nelson
Internal Affairs
Tiffani Mendez
Internal Affairs
Michael Morgan
Internal Affairs
Alex Fisher
Internal Affairs
Tomas Solano
Student Advocacy/Acting Chair
Jacqueline LaBayne
Student Advocacy
Barry Walton
Student Advocacy
Robert Creigh
Student Advocacy
Jean Francois CHEUWA
Student Advocacy
Melissa Shahbandeh
Student Advocacy
Abiola Oloye
Student Affairs/Chair
Cristina Chiodi
Student Affairs
Biaca Book
Student Affairs
Adam O'Neill
Student Affairs
Abby Brinkman
Student Affairs

ADAM O'NEILL  Congress of Graduate Students, Speaker
Florida State University
422 Thagard Building
109 Collegiate Loop, Tallahassee, FL 32304
web sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml | fb FSUCOGS | twt COGSFSU
p 850 644 6950 I f 850 644 5456

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