[COGS] Opportunity to Discuss your Experience with ITS

COGSSpeaker COGSSpeaker at admin.fsu.edu
Thu Jul 11 12:33:02 EDT 2019

Good Afternoon Representatives,

I wanted to let you all know about an opportunity to be a part of a focus group ITS is putting together as a part of their review and planning process for the 2019-2020 academic year and beyond. They want to hear the voices of graduate students from across campus and hear how we interact with ITS.

I've been working with the team running this effort for the past couple months and they are creating a great resource for ITS to improve its interaction with FSU faculty and students but now need the voice of graduate students to ensure they meet our needs as well. Please fill out your availability on the doodle below if you are interested and please feel free to send this to your friends at other departments in the university. I would like to see a good engagement for this effort. If you have any questions please let me know.

The individuals running the focus group would like to know people's availability by the end of business tomorrow so please fill this out as soon as you can.



ADAM O'NEILL  Congress of Graduate Students, Speaker
Florida State University
422 Thagard Building
109 Collegiate Loop, Tallahassee, FL 32304
web sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml | fb FSUCOGS | twt COGSFSU
p 850 644 6950 I f 850 644 5456

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