[COGS] Graduate Orientation and Financial Certification

Cristina Chiodi cc13e at my.fsu.edu
Wed Aug 21 09:48:24 EDT 2019

Hey Adam,

I just wanted to confirm, so the township social already happened? Because the flyer you sent says it was yesterday. Plus, I’m not sure if we’re supposed to have polos or not, but I don’t have one.

Other than that, when was the ice cream social? Before I sign up to help, I need to know the date. The FSUCOM is already in full swing with classes and clinicals, so I just need to make sure I’m not signing up for a time that I’m actually not available.


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Il giorno 21 ago 2019, alle ore 09:10, COGSSpeaker via COGS <cogs at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:cogs at lists.fsu.edu>> ha scritto:

Good Afternoon Representatives,

I hope your summer has been going well and that as it wraps up you are able to still have some fun before school is back in session. I need each of you to fill out the google doc sent out by Deputy Speaker Blake-Hedges for volunteering at the Graduate Orientation Ice Cream Social COGS is hosting. Find the link here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HN5f8e7Cxi2yfBaL-qxGw-Ms2llh6NmqcrzZzDyccdo/edit?usp=sharing__;!b6vCHzPZcQIc!7spPcg2fltGe687DRsX8cp1eM2dBDuXpLbWo0jfR2Z742Yu5tEQbU825NnZVigvYtg$>.

The flyer for our social event at Township on August 20th is attached. If you attend please where your COGS polo so students know who to talk to about getting involved.

In just over a week we will have our first COGS general assembly meeting of the Fall semester and I wanted to remind you that before any representative can vote on a financial allocation or decision in COGS he or she must have completed the Financial Certification quiz. Find that link here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8GnDBylufoNT9U9__;!b6vCHzPZcQIc!7spPcg2fltGe687DRsX8cp1eM2dBDuXpLbWo0jfR2Z742Yu5tEQbU825Nnb77C6r_Q$>.

Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you at Grad Orientation and at our first meeting on August 26th.

ADAM O’NEILL  Congress of Graduate Students, Speaker
Florida State University
422 Thagard Building
109 Collegiate Loop, Tallahassee, FL 32304
web sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml<http://sga.fsu.edu/cogs.shtml> | fb FSUCOGS | twt COGSFSU
p 850 644 6950 I f 850 644 5456

<COGS social 3 (retry).jpg>
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