[Coe-grad] Summer 2020 Certificate Program Admission Applications and Certificate Completion Forms - IMPORTANT

FSU College of Education coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Fri Jul 10 17:18:25 EDT 2020

Hello, College of Education Students.

I hope that you are all safe and well.

If you are applying for or you are completing an undergraduate or graduate certificate program<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/certificate-programs> offered in the College of Education (COE), please carefully read the email below. Please disregard this email, if you are not applying for admission to a College of Education Certificate Program<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/certificate-programs> listed below or submitting a certificate completion form (in summer 2020) as a student who is already admitted to one of the programs listed below.

For more information on College of Education certificate programs, visit https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/certificate-programs. For questions about certificate programs, please directly email the program-specific contact listed above (please do not reply to this email). Please note: Certificate Programs are not the same as Teacher Education Pathways<https://education.fsu.edu/teacher-ed> leading to initial teacher certification. Please do not submit a certificate completion form if you are not currently admitted to a certificate program.

The last day of the summer 2020 semester is July 31, 2020. This date also serves as the deadline for completed and department-approved summer 2020 COE online Certificate Admission Forms to be received in the Registrar’s Office.** This is also the date that admitted certificate program students who are completing certificate requirements in summer 2020 can begin to submit the online Certificate Completion Form(s) to the appropriate academic department(s) for review. This is to ensure that all Education certificate admission applications and certificate completion forms are received by the University Registrar’s Office in a timely manner and in compliance with Florida State University requirements for certificate programs.

Certificate Program Admissions:
Submit online COE Certificate Admission Applications early! **In accordance with Florida State University policy, admission to College of Education certificate programs requires submission of the online COE Certificate Admissions Form to the appropriate department Certificate Program Coordinator and to the Registrar’s Office prior to the completion of two courses in the certificate program (grades posting for those courses). The University Registrar’s Office approval of the online certificate program application, prior to completion of two certificate program courses, is required. Important: Students are not admitted by the University into a certificate program by virtue of enrollment in certificate-related courses. An approved application is required.

Submitting a certificate admission application? Please see the specific certificate program information and website links listed below. For questions, please directly email the program-specific contact.

Certificate Program Completions:
After all certificate coursework is completed, but no later than 2 weeks after grades post, the appropriate online COE Certificate Completion Form must be filled out and submitted to the department Certificate Program Coordinator. Approved online completion forms will be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for processing and posting to the official transcript. Certificate completion forms submitted by students who were not previously approved for admission to the certificate program will be denied. As previously mentioned in this email, approval of a certificate completion form requires previous approval for admission to the certificate.**

Submitting a certificate completion form? If you have been previously admitted** to a College of Education certificate program and you have completed all certificate program requirements, please see the respective certificate website links listed below for the applicable completion forms link and certificate contact information.

College of Education Certificate Programs <https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/certificate-programs>

Athletic Coaching (Graduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/certificate-programs/coaching>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8jO1ZCOPYGoI913> (beginning spring 2020)
                Program Contact Email: tbaghurst at fsu.edu<mailto:tbaghurst at fsu.edu>

Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate (Graduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/autism-spectrum-disorder-certificate>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cMXP7ezwa5269bn>
               Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9oV0EC62JnUTXeZ>
                Program Contact Email: kwhalon at fsu.edu<mailto:kwhalon at fsu.edu>

Educational Leadership/Administration (Graduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/educational-leadership-administration-certificate>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eb4yelT5InP6RSJ>
                Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9zBW81d4GpLURKJ>
                Program Contact Email: dhamkelly at fsu.edu<mailto:dhamkelly at fsu.edu> or sarutledge at fsu.edu<mailto:sarutledge at fsu.edu>

Human Performance Technology (HPT) (Graduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/human-performance-technology-certificate>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eEuqQXJNfcNtKxn>
                Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9uvX8LL7RqzbLDL>
                Program Contact Email: ajeong at fsu.edu<mailto:ajeong at fsu.edu>

Institutional Research (Graduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/institutional-research-certificate>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8nLWMPKn8L5zRNH>
                Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3JIybNnHGFE6hlH>
                Program Contact Email: cmokher at fsu.edu<mailto:cmokher at fsu.edu>

Instructional Design and Technology (Graduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/certificate-programs/instructional-design-technology>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b9jr0uaKGB2Z2Ad>
                Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bNj1Vkh0ZfNKaQB>
                Program Contact Email: ajeong at fsu.edu<mailto:ajeong at fsu.edu>

Leadership Studies (Undergraduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/leadership-studies-certificate>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3TVwcLD8oOzc04J>
                Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_00R9rUbv8eOrM7X>
                Program Contact Email: kguthrie at fsu.edu<mailto:kguthrie at fsu.edu>

Measurement and Statistics (Graduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/measurement-and-statistics-certificate>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_egKMjY6jKURvjcF>
                Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6YJnrwfpJ4IxNwV>
                Program Contact Email: ipaek at fsu.edu<mailto:ipaek at fsu.edu>

Online Instructional Development (Graduate):
                Certificate Admission Application (Admissions suspended)
                Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_79FZcfkejXrZvRX>
                Program Contact Email: ajeong at fsu.edu<mailto:ajeong at fsu.edu>

            Online Teaching and Learning (Graduate):
                              Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/online-teaching-and-learning>
                              Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8vqitdjHeCdMwrr>
                              Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_26x3r7Ny9V0lLz7>
                              Program Contact Email: ajeong at fsu.edu<mailto:ajeong at fsu.edu>

Program Evaluation (Graduate):
                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/program-evaluation>
                Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8poUzunbk0bNAPz>
                Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4ZY5ya57ZDxLqV7>
                Program Contact Email: piatarola at fsu.edu<mailto:piatarola at fsu.edu>

                Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Undergraduate and Graduate):
                                Certificate Website<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/tesol>
                                Undergraduate Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0TAsdBgfOxykXqt>
                                Undergraduate Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0voMULW2CCPkqwZ>
                                Graduate Certificate Admission Application<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bHlMcWwtj6lBgMJ>
                                Graduate Certificate Completion Form<https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6KXJyiFxcsywgyp>
                                Program Contact Email: lballard at fsu.edu<mailto:lballard at fsu.edu>

IMPORTANT notes: 1) The certificate programs listed above are not Teacher Education Pathways<https://education.fsu.edu/teacher-ed> and they do not lead to initial teacher certification in that subject. 2) Paper certificate admission and completion forms are not accepted. 3) Retroactive certificate program admission applications cannot be approved.** Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you submit your online certificate admission applications to the applicable department well in advance of completing two courses in the certificate program.

Best wishes,


Lisa M. Beverly
Co-Director, Graduate Studies
Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS)
Florida State University College of Education
(850) 644-7914 (phone)
Email: lbeverly at fsu.edu
Personal Gender Pronouns: she, her, hers

Attention students: The official method of communication at Florida State University is your FSU e-mail account. In order to stay informed and aware, you are required to set up and maintain your student account and check it three times per week. If you choose to have your official FSU student email account forwarded to another e-mail account, you are still held responsible for all information distributed by the University to your FSU account.

If you are receiving this email, you have been identified by the university as officially pursuing a graduate or undergraduate major within the College of Education at The Florida State University. The COE graduate listserv is a resource used strictly by COE administrators to ensure our students are well-informed of important updates, deadlines and opportunities that will benefit both their academic and/or professional endeavors. You will never receive any spam or other unnecessary email through this listserv and you will be removed as a recipient following completion of your degree or change of major (typically at the end of your final semester in the college). If you are not a currently enrolled graduate or undergraduate student in the FSU COE, please contact Ms. Rhonda Hester at rhester at fsu.edu<mailto:rhester at fsu.edu>. If you have concerns regarding this listserv, please contact the COE Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Amy R. Guerette at aguerette at fsu.edu<mailto:aguerette at fsu.edu>.

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