[Art-instructors] Poster for Art Department and news!

Holly Hanessian hhanessian at fsu.edu
Sun Jun 5 17:44:55 EDT 2022

Dear All,

I am collaborating on a large interdisciplinary performance project with Leah Bailey, a choreographer from the dance school and we would love to have any and all FSU students, staff and faculty participate!!!! The project will be performed with handheld solar lights in a hurricane pattern to create awareness of alternative energy and increased hurricane activity due to global warming.  If  you are interested, please fill out the Project Participant Form<https://forms.gle/QvcVpxegruH5hrEfA>, waiver, and contact Leah at lcauley at fsu.edu<mailto:lcauley at fsu.edu>. She will be in touch and add you to the project.

The performance will take place at Maclay Gardens on Monday and Tuesday, June 27 & 28th from 6-9pm (we are waiting on the special event and drone permits).   The performance will be led by a team of dancers, but as long as you can hear and move, we would love (and need!) your participation!  We will be photographing and using a drone to video the event.

Project Participant Form: https://forms.gle/QvcVpxegruH5hrEfA   Waiver: Fillable Liability Waiver - LittleSun Film Project.pdf<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lqm1z46-_vr_ORCx1cWqkC94wsGjpOk/view?usp=sharing> *

Many thanks!!!

-Holly Hanessian

*Please download, fill, and return to lcauley at fsu.edu<mailto:lcauley at fsu.edu>

Holly Hanessian
Professor of Art
Graduate Director
Department of Art
Florida State University


“They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.”
- Mexican Proverb

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