[Art-instructors] CORRECTION: Covid-19 Art Department Policy Update

Keith Patterson kpatterson2 at fsu.edu
Tue Sep 8 08:48:15 EDT 2020

Hi All,

It has been helpfully brought to our attention that the protocols outlined in the "Student Covid-19 Cases in the Classroom" email potentially violate FERPA policies regarding student privacy. While our goal was to establish internal mechanisms within the department to ensure our students are being cared for in an organized and consistent manner, it appears that even self-reported Covid-19 diagnoses cannot be shared without specific written consent.

While we seek clarification on what form "written consent" should take, we ask you to keep all student self-reported cases private. You can absolutely seek advice from the Department and specifically the Area Head overseeing the class/classes you are teaching regarding the types of accommodations that can be made. Still, in no way should student names or other personally identifiable information be disclosed.

We do apologize for the inconsistent messaging around this very important issue, and we will update you shortly.


Jeff Beekman
Associate Professor
Associate Chair
Department of Art
Florida State University
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