[Art-instructors] Online Teaching, P/F grading, ZOOM App

Stephanie James sljames at fsu.edu
Tue Mar 17 20:05:31 EDT 2020

Good evening everyone,

Thanks for your patience and I gather you all know by now that we are online for the rest of the semester. Please make sure that your plans for online teaching over 2 weeks can be transitioned to cover the remainder of the semester. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns at all and I will try to assist you or find the answers.

At the Fine and Performing Arts work group today we discussed whether we will transition to P/F from letter grades. We are waiting on a directive for that. I put all your thoughts forward, thank you for sending them.  Music, Film, Dance etc. all have the same questions and suggestions.

One item discussed was Zoom. The issue faculty are noting is that if students are using their mobile devices they must download the app before the meeting is scheduled. Zoom are experiencing a huge surge in use and are having to build capacity to make sure the App can function. The suggestion is that you contact all of your students and ask them to download the app before your meetings are scheduled. I’m not very tech-oriented but we practiced today in the office in preparation for remote working and we hit a few snags. (Rob managed set himself against a ‘remote’ background to give authenticity to the meeting!).

The Art Office is planning a remote working schedule; however, there will always be someone there to assist you. I will send out the schedule as soon as it finalized.

Keep staying safe!


Stephanie James
Chair, Department of Art
College of Fine Arts
Florida State University
Tel: (850) 644-8254
Email: sljames at fsu.edu

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