[Art-instructors] FW: Welcome back and library news

Keith Patterson kpatterson2 at fsu.edu
Thu Sep 5 08:15:03 EDT 2019

Dear all,

Welcome back! I hope your fall semester is off to an excellent start. I am writing with some library updates as we move forward into the semester, including important information about making requests for library materials, instruction requests, and about some recent shifting in our stacks and in our online research guides:

*         To suggest a title for library purchase for your research or teaching needs please use the Materials Purchase Suggestion<https://www.lib.fsu.edu/materials-purchase-suggestion> form under "All forms" on the Faculty & Staff tab at www.lib.fsu.edu<http://www.lib.fsu.edu>. This worked great while I was on parental leave last year so I'd like to continue with this workflow instead of direct emails.

*         When doing the form please check the library catalogue before making a new request for purchase. The more completely you fill out the form the faster your request will be processed and, as a reminder, rush is not a default selection as it triggers expensive shipping costs from the budget (if you have an urgent need for something email me first!) The "notes" section is a great place to add a link (publisher, Amazon, etc.) and if you want the title delivered via LEDS you can say that there as well.

*         All Visual & Performing Arts research guides have moved to the subject heading "Fine Arts" on the Research Guides<http://guides.lib.fsu.edu/> page. They are no longer listed under specific program names such as "Art" or "Dance." All of the existing guides are there and I did some updating this summer to make them more current. If you have suggestions for additions please let me know.

*         UBorrow loan periods have been doubled! You can now keep these books for 60 days instead of 30 days, and you still get one renewal.

*         If you would like me to visit with your class this fall to talk about library resources please let me know no less than 2 weeks before your proposed invitation date.

*         This summer there was some shelf shifting at Strozier Library: 1) The print oversize collection (previously on the lower level/Scholars Commons compact shelves) is now on the 2nd floor in the left annex wing, 2) the DVD/VHS media has moved within the lower level/Scholars Commons compact shelves up to the front where oversize used to be.

*         I will have walk-up research office hours open for student and faculty researchers this fall, and I will again be in the Art & Design Library in the William Johnston Building. I don't have my day/time slot settled yet but I will send another email with that information soon.

*         FSU Libraries is excited to pilot a new service for Streaming Media Course Reserves - we can now embed streaming media into Canvas for your classes instead of relying on physical DVD/VHS in traditional course reserves. For this pilot there is a limit of up to 3 titles per course, per semester. You can make your request through the Streaming Media Reserves Request<https://www.lib.fsu.edu/service/course-reserve-information-faculty> on the Course Reserves page. More information about streaming media at FSU in general can be found on the Streaming Media LibGuide<https://guides.lib.fsu.edu/streamingmedia> .

*         As a reminder, FSU Libraries offers Alternative Textbook Grants (then $1000 grants available) to support FSU instructors replacing commercial textbooks with little to no cot materials with flexible copyright licenses. Applications are due 10/1/2019. Thanks to a partnership with International Programs an additional set of ten $1000 grants will be available for faculty who teach at any of our international study centers. For more information and to apply please visit: lib.fsu.edu/alttextbooks<https://www.lib.fsu.edu/alttextbooks>.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or feedback about anything library-related don't hesitate to let me know!

Leah Sherman
Visual & Performing Arts Librarian
Florida State University Libraries
116 Honors Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306
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