[Seuce-cci] Charging for Univ telepractice?

Sun Apr 5 16:07:05 EDT 2020

Here at USC-Columbia we too will have on-line classes this summer and our campus clinic will remain closed.  We are not implementing telepractice for our spring clients.  We do plan to implement it this summer.  Charging will be on a case by case basis as some clients will be easier to work with via telepractice than others.  Our current issue is how to involve students from afar.  They have access to the platform we are using but I cannot visualize how this will work, not to mention that our students are not trained in telepractice.  Are others planning to involve students for more than just observation? If so, what training have they had?  We are planning to use Simucase as our back-up plan. Thanks for any advice/comments. These are interesting times for sure.
From: Seuce-cci <seuce-cci-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> on behalf of Kimberly Mory <kmory at twu.edu>
Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2020 3:52 PM
To: seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu <seuce-cci at lists.fsu.edu>
Subject: [Seuce-cci] Charging for Univ telepractice?

Hello All,
Like many of you, we have had crash courses in telepractice and we are finishing out the semester of our on-campus clinic by using telepractice. We are not charging our clients' families for this service as we felt we certainly were not experts in telepractice and the families had not originally signed up to receive services via telepractice.

However, the decision has been made that we will be providing classes and clinic services online this summer as it is just too uncertain how long COVID-19 is going to keep us all sheltering in place. We would like to know if other University clinics are currently charging for telepractice services, or are going to be charging for these services as we move forward.

We appreciate any thoughts, advice, experiences, you have to share on this topic. While telepractice is not new....it's definitely new to us! Thank you all!

Kimberly Mory

Kimberly Mory, Ph.D.,CCC-SLP, CCM, CHES
Associate Clinical Professor
Undergraduate Coordinator
Department of Communication Sciences and Oral Health
Texas Woman's University
kmory at twu.edu<mailto:kmory at twu.edu>
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