[Law-meditation] please reply to me briefly: changing day(s) for med. meeting'

Lawrence Krieger LKrieger at law.fsu.edu
Sun Apr 5 20:03:35 EDT 2020

Hi folks it appears with the pressing situation that there will be important and major conflicts with the Monday lunch time.  I am thinking to reschedule tomorrow's meeting, and actually am thinking to do two meetings this week of slightly different types.  Let me know what you think about these meeting days and times please (Dean B and I have consulted and she suggested these actually).  Note also, my wife is likely to contribute to these meetings, using her health coaching training and her super positive outlook on life, should make it more fun.

The lunch meeting would move to FRIDAYS at 12.30, much as they have been but including some of what we did last time - talking about tips for feeling settled throughout the day and staying productive in these strange times for a few minutes, then doing a de-stressing breath practice for a minute or two and our meditation practice for about 10 min.

I am also thinking to add on a trial basis this week a WEDNESDAY 4.00 meeting, for about 20 minutes total.  It would be more generally titled for the whole student body, 'Being comfortable and productive in Stressful times'.  It will also start with some tips and discussion, and also have some practice toward the end, perhaps less time on the practice than in our lunch meetings.

WHAT DO YOU THINK about the days/times/topics, and how do you think other students (or faculty/staff) would respond to either, if you have a sense about it?  Please reply so i can get some input before i set things, but let's cancel tomorrow's meditation and figure it will be reset for later in the week.  Thanks, Prof K
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