[Law-envtlcert] FW: Corporate climate accountability student writing competition

James Parker-Flynn jparkerflynn at law.fsu.edu
Tue Nov 21 10:21:45 EST 2023

Hello Environmental Law students,

Law Students for Climate Accountability and the Center for Climate Integrity are renewing their joint writing competition<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/streak-link.com/BvdU5iyWVgjVsM6hmAew83-i/https*3A*2F*2Fclimateintegrity.org*2Fuploads*2Fmedia*2FStudentPrize-EmergingTheories-2023.pdf__;JSUlJSUl!!PhOWcWs!3lqntYGxYYqB_lldcE_aIytH8pn9k3vz4FDkU4dvw9-61Q7aAXugIv7_Z7N0W2P4xGcETTk_0JsB$> in the spring. They are seeking entries that explore new or emerging theories of corporate climate accountability; law and other graduate students of any year are eligible to submit. There will be cash prizes in addition to publishing opportunities. For more information, please see the attached flyer.

James Parker-Flynn
Director of the Center for Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law
Florida State University College of Law

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