[Law-envtlcert] National Animal Law Competitions

Jella Roxas jroxas at law.fsu.edu
Fri Sep 16 08:47:05 EDT 2022

Dear FSU Environmental Law Certificate Students,

The Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy<https://thebrooksinstitute.org/> revives the National Animal Law Competitions. The competition is to provide law students an opportunity to develop knowledge in the field of animal law and to hone their written and oral advocacy skills.

Registration is open and will close on November 15, 2022, 11:59 pm ET.
Should you be interested to participate, here's the link for more information: https://thebrooksinstitute.org/nationalanimallawcompetitions

Good day,

Jella V. Roxas
she/her/hers (what's this?<https://pronouns.org/>)
Program Associate - Environmental Programs <http://www.law.fsu.edu/academics/jd-program/environmental-energy-land-use-law>
Florida State University College of Law
850-6458749  | Suite A227

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