[Law-envtlcert] Monday, 11/14 - Catherine Awasthi on Sustaining the Manatee

Erin Ryan ERyan at law.fsu.edu
Thu Nov 10 11:55:29 EST 2022

Dear Certificate Students,

Catherine Awasthi, an Environmental Law Certificate student who is also a Joint Pathways degree student in the Earth, Oceans, and Atmospheric Sciences department, will presents about sustaining the Florida manatee next Monday, 11/14, at 11:30 over Zoom (https://fsu.zoom.us/j/94390346184<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fsu.zoom.us/j/94390346184__;!!PhOWcWs!zVh4UeWz7-uJJ2FFy_Du9juAoREmzL-V-SewyYIyv_A9rFnQFwqe_8FjbgDc22WSwivW3sdWa9igw8paJqS5yg$>).  Full Information is below, and you are all invited to join!

In her presentation, Catherine offers a legal and scientific theory to address the continuing “Unusual Mortality Event” impacting Florida’s population of manatees, specifically in the Indian River Lagoon.  Her presentation marks the completion of her joint pathway program for J.D. and Aquatic Environmental Science, and incidentally, also celebrates Manatee Awareness Month this November.  Hope to see some of you there,

Catherine Awasthi  of the Joint FSU Law School and Aquatic Environmental Science Program
AQES project presentation:
Staving off Starvation
How Florida’s Invasive Plants Could Sustain the State’s Marine Mammal
11:30 am Monday November 14  at 11:30 on zoom
Join URL: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/94390346184<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fsu.zoom.us/j/94390346184__;!!PhOWcWs!zVh4UeWz7-uJJ2FFy_Du9juAoREmzL-V-SewyYIyv_A9rFnQFwqe_8FjbgDc22WSwivW3sdWa9igw8paJqS5yg$>

Erin Ryan
Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor
Associate Dean for Environmental Programs<https://law.fsu.edu/academics/academic-programs/juris-doctor-program/environmental-energy-land-use-law>
Florida State University, College of Law
425 West Jefferson Street / Tallahassee, FL 32306
(850) 645-0072 / eryan at fsu.edu<mailto:eryan at fsu.edu>

View my research at:

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