[Law-envtlcert] JOB POSTING! Climate Justice Fellow

Jella Roxas jroxas at law.fsu.edu
Mon Nov 7 12:24:31 EST 2022

Dear FSU Environmental Law Graduating Students and Recent Graduates,

The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law<https://climate.law.columbia.edu/> seeks a Climate Justice Fellow for a one-year appointment, with an option for a second year, starting in September 2023. Under the supervision of Michael Gerrard, Faculty Director and Michael Burger, Executive Director, the incumbent will conduct independent research, literature reviews, and benchmarking studies on a wide variety of issues related to climate change law, with a special focus on issues related to climate justice and equity, as well as develop and implement advocacy strategies. The incumbent will work on a wide variety of research and writing projects concerning climate change mitigation and adaptation, including issues of justice and equity in those contexts; contribute to programs and projects that engage in active law and policy contexts; help organize conferences, seminars, and collaborative publications; contribute to conceptualization, management and implementation of the Center's web resources; and assist with oversight of interns and volunteers, among other projects.

Please check this link for more info: https://apply.interfolio.com/116705
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Kindly apply no later than January 15, 2023.

Good day.

Jella Roxas
Program Associate - Environmental Programs <http://www.law.fsu.edu/academics/jd-program/environmental-energy-land-use-law>
Florida State University College of Law
850-6458749  | Suite A227
she/her/hers (what's this?<https://pronouns.org/>)

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