[Isl] Friendly Reminder: ISL Student Poster Day, today at 2-3:30 pm EST via Zoom

Callie Kindelsperger cperson at fsu.edu
Fri Mar 5 09:20:07 EST 2021

Hi Folks,

This is just a friendly reminder upcoming that we have our ISL Student Poster Day today from 2-3:30 pm EST via Zoom. The link to attend is below and I have attached a copy of the schedule for your reference. We have a total of 6 students presenting their poster presentations and we will announce the winner of this year's Esther & Del Grosser Scholarship as well.  Please come out and support the students as they present their posters and discuss their research.

Each student will present a 5 minute presentation on their poster in the main Zoom meeting room, allocating 8 minutes total (5 minute presentations, 2 minutes for questions) where afterwards, everyone will be moved via the Zoom host to designated breakout rooms to allow for answering questions pertaining to their posters from participants while the judges make a final decision on prize allocations.

Link for ISL Student Poster Day, today, Friday March 5th at 2-3:30pm EST, Zoom


We look forward to seeing you all there today and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Callie Kindelsperger
Institute for Successful Longevity
Florida State University
Email: cperson at fsu.edu
Phone: 850-644-8571

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