[Isl] Looking for a course

Neil Charness charness at psy.fsu.edu
Tue Jun 8 11:26:58 EDT 2021

Hi Jean:  Not sure of who is teaching what courses these days, so I'm putting out a query on the affiliates listserv (copied here) and ask people to contact you directly about any courses they are teaching concerning aging.

Best, Neil

Neil Charness, Ph.D., William G. Chase Professor of Psychology
FSU Distinguished Research Professor
Director, Institute for Successful Longevity www.isl.fsu.edu<http:// www.isl.fsu.edu>
Department of Psychology, Florida State University
1107 West Call Street, Tallahassee, Florida, USA 32306-4301
Phone (office): 850-644-6686; Fax: 850-644-7739
E-mail: charness at psy.fsu.edu<mailto:charness at psy.fsu.edu>; http://www.psy.fsu.edu/~charness/
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From: Willard Edmonds <btedmond at fsu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 11:24 AM
To: Jean Munn <jean.munn at med.fsu.edu>
Cc: Neil Charness <charness at psy.fsu.edu>; Callie Kindelsperger <cperson at fsu.edu>
Subject: Re: Looking for a course

Jean - Let me check with Neil Charness, ISL's director, and get back to you.

Bill Edmonds

From: Jean Munn <jean.munn at med.fsu.edu<mailto:jean.munn at med.fsu.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 11:22 AM
To: Willard Edmonds <btedmond at fsu.edu<mailto:btedmond at fsu.edu>>
Subject: Looking for a course
Hello Bill,

I am currently the Director of the Certificate in Gerontology. One of the challenges we have found is identifying courses outside the College of Social Work that students can take to meet the requirements. ISL has been one of the resources that has been helpful. At one point there was a course on Caregiving. I don't know if it is current or which department offerred it. Would you happen to know anything about that course in particular or any new courses that have come online?

Many thanks for all you do.


Jean C. Munn, Ph.D., M.S.W.
John A. Hartford Faculty Scholar
Associate Professor
College of Social Work
Florida State University
(850) 644-9748
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