[Isl] Affiliate Information Required for 2020 ISL Annual Report for Provost Office

Callie Kindelsperger cperson at fsu.edu
Tue Jul 6 12:14:35 EDT 2021

Good morning everyone,

I hope that everyone had a safe and pleasant Independence Day weekend. It's that time of year again when the Provost’s Office is requiring an Annual Report from the various centers and institutes throughout the university and the faculty affiliates associated with said institutes.

Hopefully,  to make the process a bit easier on everyone, I have copied over the necessary and required information that we are being asked to obtain into a separate Word document.

The information that is being requested is, unfortunately, going back 3 years, with documentation being requested from 2018-2021 as this is a new report format that the Provost Office has implemented that is taking the place of the annual seven-year evaluation, and as such, requires more information than usual.

Those of us here at ISL understand the heavy burden that this is going to cause all of you.  However, once the information requested is obtained, going forward, it should be that only the current year information will be requested in future reporting formats.

Please note that the required information is due by August 15th, no later than 5:00 pm. Please email back the attached document with the information filled out to Callie Kindelsperger at her email address, cperson at fsu.edu<mailto:cperson at fsu.edu>. Freel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.


Callie Kindelsperger

Administrative Assistant, Institute for Successful Longevity

Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy

636 West Call St/203 Pepper Center, Tallahassee FL

Email: cperson at fsu.edu

Phone: 850-644-8571
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