[Isl] FW: Wednesday telephone interview-Contact Info in voicemails and email signatures

Callie Kindelsperger cperson at fsu.edu
Thu May 28 14:01:19 EDT 2020

Hello everyone,

It was recently brought to our attention that sometimes when participants for studies within our database are called and/or emailed, they are not left contact information. See the below example for what I mean. A participant had emailed ISL asking if we could help track down the name of someone from the university in the medical department who had called her to set up an interview, but did not leave any contact info to get in touch with her again. All we ask is that if you have folks who are calling participants for interviews or appointments related to one of the studies, is that you have the person leave their name and phone number to call them back, or if they are emailing, contact information within the email signature, as well as what FSU Dept. they represent.

This particular individual was worried about scams and with no information given, she was reluctant to call them back. The researcher did eventually call her back, but going forward, I think it would save a lot of hassle if everyone could just let their department rep’s know who are involved in our ISL database registry and have a study going to leave a callback # or email address going forward.

Just a friendly FYI.

Thank you,

Callie Kindelsperger
Institute for Successful Longevity
Florida State University
Email: cperson at fsu.edu
Phone: 850-644-8571

From: Marilyn Lewis <marilyn.lewis at comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 11:43 AM
To: Callie Kindelsperger <cperson at fsu.edu>
Subject: Re: Wednesday telephone interview


The following is a copy of email correspondence I received.  I thought you might wish to know the person’s name and contact information so that ISL and the FSU Medical School would be in sync.  If you do contact anyone, you might emphasize how important it is to have them offer contact information in writing/email/text so that seniors would be able to confirm the legitimacy of their query.  As a senior, I know that I may not think to ask for such information when I receive a telephone call.  It is only later, and by then it is too late.  Do not think that I am in any way disturbed by their query....but I do try to be wise to the ways of the world when it comes to offering my personal information.  There are too many stories of identity theft, with seniors being thought easy targets.  If the Medical School could cc you with the inquiries they make from your lists, it might solve many potential problems and concerns, and would assure seniors that the inquiry is not malicious.

Here is part of the emails I received:

Hi Marilyn,

Thank you for getting back to me, thank you for letting me know and I completely understand.


Valeria Burchard
From: Marilyn Lewis [marilyn.lewis at comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 3:59 PM
To: Burchard, Valeria
Subject: Re: Phone Assessment
[Notice: This email originated outside of the College of Medicine.]
Hi Valeria,

Yes, I received your voicemail message...I was in the middle of a Zoom meeting with a local library committee at the time of your call.

I looked at my schedule and, according to it, our appointment was for last Wednesday, May 20 at Noon, not today.  Prior to that date, I had decided not to participate in the project.  But, since I had only been in contact with you via telephone and had only your first name, I had no way to inform you of my decision.  Your email below is the only other contact information I have received and that was sent today.

My decision not to participate in no way reflects on your research.  But I might suggest that in the future you provide contact information in written form (telephone, snail mail, email, etc.) so that subjects might be able to contact you with schedule changes that are agreeable to both parties.

Good luck in your future studies.

Marilyn Lewis

From: Burchard, Valeria
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:24 PM
To: marilyn.lewis at comcast.net<mailto:marilyn.lewis at comcast.net>
Subject: Phone Assessment

Hi Marilyn,

I called you earlier to complete the phone assessment we had scheduled for 12pm, I also left you a voicemail. I can't complete it today since I have class but I'd be more than happy to schedule another time for next week or just whenever works for you.


Valeria Burchard

I hope this resolves my situation and makes ISL aware of other possible seniors’ concerns.

Stay safe!


From: Callie Kindelsperger
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 8:51 AM
To: Marilyn Lewis
Subject: RE: Wednesday telephone interview

Hi Marilyn,

I apologize that no one was able to get in touch with you. I reached out to a few of our contacts who handle all the different studies in the database that we have and none of them had any idea who might have called. I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope that if in future you receive another call, the caller will provide verifiable information.

I hope that you stay safe during these uncertain times and let me know if I can be of any help in future.

Callie Kindelsperger
Institute for Successful Longevity
Florida State University
Email: cperson at fsu.edu<mailto:cperson at fsu.edu>

From: Marilyn Lewis <marilyn.lewis at comcast.net<mailto:marilyn.lewis at comcast.net>>
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 8:18 AM
To: Institute for Successful Longevity <isl at fsu.edu<mailto:isl at fsu.edu>>
Subject: Re: Wednesday telephone interview

Hi Callie,

Just to let you know, Wednesday came and went, and there was no telephone call from the person who scheduled to interview me.  I do not know if she was detained, forgot, was a scammer, or if you had contacted her.  If she, or anyone else, contacts me I will ask that person for some verifiable identification (a written letter or an email) that I will use to share with your institute.  I dislike having to do this, as I want to help researchers in any way possible, but in this day and age of identity theft or other criminal activity one cannot be too careful.

Thank you for your concern.  It is appreciated.

Stay safe!

Marilyn Lewis

From: Institute for Successful Longevity
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 9:14 AM
To: Marilyn Lewis
Subject: RE: Wednesday telephone interview

Hi Marilyn,

I would be happy to look into this for you. Would you happen to have either a copy of the email or know the name of the person you spoke to or what kind of research it was? If not, that’s all right, I can look into this for you either way.

Callie Kindelsperger
Institute for Successful Longevity
Florida State University
Email: cperson at fsu.edu<mailto:cperson at fsu.edu>
Phone: 850-644-8571

From: Marilyn Lewis <marilyn.lewis at comcast.net<mailto:marilyn.lewis at comcast.net>>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 8:56 AM
To: Institute for Successful Longevity <isl at fsu.edu<mailto:isl at fsu.edu>>
Subject: Wednesday telephone interview

I have arranged to have a telephone interview with someone from the medical school doing research.  Could you please verify the legitimacy of this before I participate?  I suppose I should have asked you this earlier, but do not wish to be a victim of some scam.

Thank you in advance.

Marilyn Lewis
Email: marilyn.lewis at comcast.net<mailto:marilyn.lewis at comcast.net>

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