[Fsuteachgrads] Fwd: Sept 29 ESOL Workshop

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Mon Sep 18 10:01:53 EDT 2023


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Sept 29 ESOL Workshop
Date: 	Mon, 18 Sep 2023 12:46:10 -0100
From: 	Laura Bell <lballard at fsu.edu>
To: 	Rose Skepple <rskepple at fsu.edu>, Frank Tenore <btenore at fsu.edu>, 
Jennifer Hamilton <jlhamilton3 at fsu.edu>, Angela Davis 
<afdavis at admin.fsu.edu>, Robin Smith <rrsmith at fsu.edu>, Elizabeth Crowe 
<ecrowe at pc.fsu.edu>, Chantelle Grace <cgrace at fsu.edu>, Addie McConomy 
<mmcconomy at fsu.edu>, Eileen Bischof <bischof at fsu.edu>, Kemol Lloyd 
<krl23b at fsu.edu>
CC: 	Toby Park-Gaghan <tjpark at fsu.edu>

Good morning, everyone!

I’m so excited to get back on track with offering these wonderful 
workshops to our students, colleagues, FLDOE and Leon County Teachers.

This semester we have the pleasure of working with Pamela Broussard 
(https://www.leadingells.com/). She will lead a workshop for us on 
building social and cultural competence.

Please encourage students to attend – RSVP required. 

Feel free to share with others who may be interested.

I hope you will all consider attending as well 😊

~ Laura
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