[Fsuteachgrads] Fwd: FW: middle grades science position

Robin Smith rrsmith at fsu.edu
Mon Apr 26 14:28:33 EDT 2021

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	FW: middle grades science position
Date: 	Mon, 26 Apr 2021 17:06:50 -0100
From: 	Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu>
To: 	Sherry Southerland <ssoutherland at admin.fsu.edu>, Ellen Granger 
<granger at bio.fsu.edu>, Robin Smith <rrsmith at fsu.edu>, MaLynn Kelso 
<mkelso at admin.fsu.edu>, Logan Chalfant <lchalfant at fsu.edu>, Miray 
Tekkumru Kisa <mtekkumrukisa at fsu.edu>


I am not sure if you received this inquiry below regarding a science 
teaching position but if not, I wanted to share to see if you have 
anyone in mind who may be interested or if we could share it via 
listserv or other means if you think that would be a good idea.

Take care,

*From:*Dudley Leigh [mailto:leighd at rowlettmiddleacademy.org]
*Sent:* Monday, April 26, 2021 1:58 PM
*To:* Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu>
*Subject:* middle grades science position

Good Morning Dr. Jaber,

My name is Dudley Caroline Leigh.  I coordinate the academic and arts 
programs at Rowlett Middle Academy in Bradenton, Florida.  We are 
currently seeking to hire a fulltime science educator for our middle 
grades science program.  I would certainly appreciate any assistance you 
can provide by forwarding our request to faculty members who are willing 
to communicate our interest in interviewing Florida State University 
science education candidates to students who are ready to graduate or 
have graduated. I am very eager to speak to faculty members or students 
who are interested in ascertaining more information about our middle 
school, our science department, and the courses we offer.

I appreciate your willingness to assist us in our search to find an 
exemplary science educator.

Dudley Caroline Leigh

Rowlett Middle Academy

941-462-4001 extension 1108

leighd at rowlettmiddleacademy.org <mailto:leighd at rowlettmiddleacademy.org>

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