[Fsuteachgrads] Final call: STEM teaching fellowship w/ $32k stipend

Robin Smith rrsmith at fsu.edu
Fri Apr 23 13:25:44 EDT 2021

We’re pleased to be able to offer a *few more 2021 WW Teaching 
If you have colleagues, students, or others in your network who have a 
STEM background and may be considering teaching, as WW Teaching Fellows 
they could pursue an M.Ed. while receiving financial and mentoring support.

This prestigious Fellowship offers a *$32,000* stipend toward completion 
of a yearlong M.Ed. at one of our Pennsylvania partner universities. 
Fellows prepare through a clinical experience in a local high-need 
school, coupled with rigorous subject matter courses. Then they teach 
for three years in a high-need middle or high school, with mentoring 
throughout the entire process.

There are only a few fellowships remaining for the final year of the 
program. */Individuals are encouraged to submit their applications as 
soon as possible here 

Please consider spreading the word about this program to those you know 
who might be eligible. As WW Teaching Fellows, both STEM professionals 
and graduating seniors can have an immediate and lasting impact on 
middle- and high school students.

Learn more. Apply today! 

    Find us online





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