[Fla-facrlboard] Final FACRL Election Results

Alyssa Koclanes koclanan at eckerd.edu
Fri Apr 23 09:27:06 EDT 2021

Hi All,

The 2020-2021 FACRL election cycle is now complete, and all candidates have
been notified of the results. The Nominating Committee would like to thank
each member of the Board that stepped forward to serve the organization by
standing for election or encouraging others to do so. The complete election
results are as follows:


   President Elect: Rachel Cooke

   Communication Manager: Nancy Schuler

   Board Members:  Clarissa West-White, Steven Wade, and Cindy Gruwell

Guy is working on an announcement that will be sent out to the FACRL
membership at large next week. I will send out a message to the incoming
board members and the current board to select a time for the new board
member orientation.



*Alyssa Koclanes, M.A.* (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor
Technical Services, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
Eckerd College Library <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eckerd.edu/library/__;!!PhOWcWs!mmqA-0eRGEu9a9Tn4XnwT_thqun7-FkuEgB1wdhr36hyoAVuuhzk6hkD_N9W62v5mAWj-HNfzw$ >

Eckerd College <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.eckerd.edu__;!!PhOWcWs!mmqA-0eRGEu9a9Tn4XnwT_thqun7-FkuEgB1wdhr36hyoAVuuhzk6hkD_N9W62v5mAURrhXoeA$ >
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St. Petersburg, Florida 33711
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