[Fla-facrlboard] FW: 2020 FACRL Board Elections

Donlan, Rebecca rdonlan at fgcu.edu
Tue Mar 24 14:46:55 EDT 2020

OK, I think we should extend the deadline to April 4 (two weeks extra) and send an update of the message below.  Guy, I know you’re probably busy keeping the Lee County Library’s networks running, so do you think that’s enough extra time given the amount of time you’ll need to send an update?


From: Florida Association of College & Research Libraries (FACRL) <facrl at wildapricot.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 1:02 AM
To: Donlan, Rebecca <rdonlan at fgcu.edu>
Subject: 2020 FACRL Board Elections

Dear Rebecca Donlan,
The poll is open for voting and we need your vote!

2020 FACRL Board Elections

Start: 11 Mar 2020 End: 21 Mar 2020

The 2020 FACRL Board of Directors Elections is now open.

Open positions include:

  *   President-Elect
  *   Secretary
  *   Treasurer
  *   Board Member-at-Large (3)

The 2020 FACRL elections for officers and members of the board will close on Friday, March 20th.


  1.  Only current FACRL Members may vote.
  2.  Please only vote once.
  3.  Vote for up to three candidates for the Board Member-at-Large positions.
  4.  A complete description of each position is available via the FACRL Bylaws<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/facrl.wildapricot.org/resources/documents/Bylaws.pdf__;!!IkmNjII!W3nsTiuIobn86KpFz96aJW2QspHvvI5LmMgaNERWT_AhyKV_mIag_9A1Zz26PY0$>.
For information about the 2020 FACRL nominees, view the elections page<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/facrl.wildapricot.org/elections__;!!IkmNjII!W3nsTiuIobn86KpFz96aJW2QspHvvI5LmMgaNERWT_AhyKV_mIag_9A1CJ5Ibwo$>.

Go to poll page<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/facrl.wildapricot.org/Sys/Poll/12634__;!!IkmNjII!W3nsTiuIobn86KpFz96aJW2QspHvvI5LmMgaNERWT_AhyKV_mIag_9A1TwNIYTA$>

Thank you for helping to shape the future of FACRL and we hope to see you In Orlando at the 2020 FLA Annual Conference in May.

Best regards,

Craig Amos, FACRL President
Alyssa Koclanes, FACRL President-Elect
Rebecca Donlan, FACRL Past-President

If you no longer wish to receive these emails you can unsubscribe<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/test_email_unsubscribe_url.com/__;!!IkmNjII!W3nsTiuIobn86KpFz96aJW2QspHvvI5LmMgaNERWT_AhyKV_mIag_9A1y06uVYM$> at any time.

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