[Fla-facrlboard] draft of message

Elana Karshmer ekarshme at fiu.edu
Fri Jun 12 11:03:04 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

Here's a draft of the FACRL message.

Please send me any comments.

Elana D. Karshmer, Ph.D., M.A. (L.I.S.)
Head, Information & Research Services
FIU Green Library
GL 233A

[FIU Logo with Panthers Protecting Panthers]

[Individual Wearing a Face Mask]

[Hand Washing]

[Individuals Practicing Physical Distancing]

[A Home]

[A Spray Bottle]

Wear a face covering and do not touch your face

Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer

Practice physical distancing and stay 6ft apart

Stay home if you feel ill

Clean surfaces

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