[Fla-facrlboard] FACRL Boarding meeting day/times

Cristy Moran cmoran at broward.edu
Wed Jan 15 11:28:30 EST 2020

Most of my recurring meetings for committees, etc. occur during the third week of the month. If we can not schedule a recurring meeting during the third week of the month, then I should be available.

Broward College
Cristy Moran
Librarian, Broward College
P: +1 (954) 201-2603
E: cmoran at broward.edu | W: broward.edu
A: 1000 E Coconut Creek Pkwy.; Coconut Creek, FL 33066
Broward College Top 10 Aspen Prize Finalist
From: Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> On Behalf Of Sandy Avila via Fla-facrlboard
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 10:57 AM
To: fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu
Subject: Re: [Fla-facrlboard] FACRL Boarding meeting day/times

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Thanks for starting this off, Craig.

Mondays and Thursdays at 3 pm would work for generally and earlier meetings say around 10 or 11 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays would also work for me.

I hope yesterday’s meeting went well! I go through the recording sometime tomorrow and send out minutes after that.


From: Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu>> On Behalf Of Craig Amos via Fla-facrlboard
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 10:45 AM
To: fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu>
Subject: [Fla-facrlboard] FACRL Boarding meeting day/times

Good morning,

A couple of members of the Board have a conflict with our current meeting day/time (The second Tuesday of every month at 3:00). We may have to keep this meeting schedule, as we have had trouble changing it in the past, though before I send out a Doodle poll, please send some ideal days of the month/times for you.

Thank you,


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Craig Amos​
Associate Dean, Library Access and Discovery
Broward College
+1 (954) 2016307<tel:+1%20(954)%202016307>
camos at broward.edu<mailto:camos at broward.edu>
3501 Davie Road; Davie, FL 33314
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[Broward College Top 10 Aspen Prize Finalist]


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