[Fla-facrlboard] CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Panhandle Academic Libraries Conference

Alyssa Koclanes koclanan at eckerd.edu
Wed May 8 09:47:24 EDT 2019

Hi Michael,

The main FACRL list (fla-facrl.lists.fsu.edu) is an open list and isn't
moderated, it is open for any member of the list to send a message out. If
you wanted a message to just go to the FACRL membership, then that would
need to go through Jaime.

It sounds like it will be a great conference!


*Alyssa Koclanes, M.A.*
Associate Professor
Technical Services, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
Eckerd College Library <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.eckerd.edu_library_&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=iYh7Zf8bbkYjyTwg5nSHoFyrhq72MK47CUaJdZphlJs&s=-beNlh_dkdgRSZKF2TQMSeZxX-FyVdjec2Ez97UAVy4&e=>

Eckerd College <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.eckerd.edu&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=iYh7Zf8bbkYjyTwg5nSHoFyrhq72MK47CUaJdZphlJs&s=wXFPkebKhDhc1MnTt1Q6bNz1pOK3WbjAOtovDSQoFQA&e=>
4200 54th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33711

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 8:37 AM Michael Meth via Fla-facrlboard <
fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu> wrote:

> Hi Craig,
> Thank you for your support.
> I just realized that you encouraged me to send it out to the FACRL list.
> And, then I realized I don’t know if we have a protocol for sending out
> notes to the big list.  Could you, Jamie or somebody else from the team
> help me with that?
> Unfortunately, I can’t join the FACRL board meeting next week.  I am
> presenting at conference at the same time as our meeting. If you, or
> anybody else, has any questions or require additional information please
> let me know and I’ll provide some notes ahead of the meeting.
> Some quick updates: Since my original email we have confirmed Elijah Scott
> as our keynote.  We will also feature an ACRL workshop “Project Outcome for
> Academic Libraries” .
> Lastly, dear board colleagues, if any of you are interested in submitting
> proposals we would love to have you.  Insider tip: There may be the
> opportunity for some travel scholarships for accepted speakers and
> Tallahassee is a beautiful place to visit in July. :)
> Best regards,
> M
> Michael Meth
> (Personal pronouns: He/him/his)
> Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services
> Florida State University Libraries
> *** This email was sent from my mobile device. Please excuse any typos. ***
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> on behalf
> of Craig Amos via Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu>
> *Sent:* Friday, April 26, 2019 16:02
> *To:* fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [Fla-facrlboard] CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Panhandle Academic
> Libraries Conference
> Good afternoon Mike,
> We should add this to the FLA Conference Board meeting agenda to discuss.
> Here are my two cents:
>    1. I think this definitely qualifies as a legitimate item of interest
>    for Florida academic librarians that we want to support, so I would suggest
>    that you are free to send it out to the FACRL list in order to help market
>    the conference.
>    1. It would be great for FACRL to have a presence at the conference,
>    even if it is just an outreach table or providing promotional materials. Is
>    anyone interested in submitting an FACRL proposal to present? We can
>    discuss other ideas to support as well.
>    1. That sounds great!
>    1. Maybe we could make the streaming available more broadly? Maybe we
>    could ask the FLVC to market this out to their lists as well?
> Thanks!
> [image: Broward College]
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__broward.edu&d=DwMFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=Oc9V6Y_90l6KnKgkE_H7jH-qAejyQm2oai0j-m4GEvM&s=jPBoEijaF0jgdgcoqjSoUnR3LSJuK0hZn8_4BA8aSSI&e=>
> Craig Amos​
> Associate Dean, Library Access and Discovery ,  Broward College
> P:  *+1 (954) 2016307* <+1%20(954)%202016307>
> E:  *camos at broward.edu* <camos at broward.edu>  |  W:  *broward.edu*
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__broward.edu&d=DwMFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=Oc9V6Y_90l6KnKgkE_H7jH-qAejyQm2oai0j-m4GEvM&s=jPBoEijaF0jgdgcoqjSoUnR3LSJuK0hZn8_4BA8aSSI&e=>
> A:  3501 Davie Road; Davie, FL 33314
> [image: Broward College Top 10 Aspen Prize Finalist]
> *From:* Fla-facrlboard [mailto:fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu]*On
> Behalf Of *Michael Meth via Fla-facrlboard
> *Sent:* Friday, April 26, 2019 3:39 PM
> *To:* fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu
> *Subject:* [Fla-facrlboard] FW: CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Panhandle Academic
> Libraries Conference
> Hi folks,
> Perhaps you recall me asking a while back about whether FACRL would be
> interested in hearing more about an academic librarians conference I’ve
> been working on in North Florida.  Well, it’s happening and I’m pleased to
> share information about the inaugural Panhandle Academic Libraries
> Conference below.  We’ve also created a website here
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.plan.lib.fl.us_events_panhandle-2Dacademic-2Dlibraries-2Dconference_&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=iYh7Zf8bbkYjyTwg5nSHoFyrhq72MK47CUaJdZphlJs&s=_cg_1BDKMdzK52t0H6vkkGzGkOx5JTMxooVBkOFxeyY&e=
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.plan.lib.fl.us_events_panhandle-2Dacademic-2Dlibraries-2Dconference_&d=DwQGaQ&c=AyrajPdOsbMUQ9pNazKW2A&r=FyvcYREalb0jPLDqoov8JGRduZAXtPG8h-SV9Up2P4I&m=VCola_t2KQYkmyBj62PQyVJv75_HgAAXWV9C_3aJ65Y&s=NEYJdtqqOylfDAhLNH9M2da_hNDfV72ivSUeYHK-zJo&e=>
> .
> A few questions for you:
> 1. Do you have any ideas for promoting the conference?  Would you be open
> to sharing this on the FACRL mail list?
> 2. Does FACRL want to participate/sponsor in any way?
> 3. The conference is open to all, so please feel free to submit proposals
> and register. Registration is free, and we’re hoping for sponsorship to
> cover meals and coffee break.
> 4. I’ll also keep you updated on the final schedule. We’re hoping to offer
> a couple of streaming sessions, incl. a keynote by Elijah Scott.
> Let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to hearing your
> thoughts.
> Best regards, and happy Friday,
> Mike
> Michael Meth
> (Personal pronouns: He/him/his)
> Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services
> Florida State University Libraries
> *** This email was sent from my mobile device. Please excuse any typos. ***
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Panhandle Library Access Network, Inc. <rburgess at plan.lib.fl.us>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 16, 2019 09:09
> *To:* Michael Meth
> *Subject:* CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Panhandle Academic Libraries Conference
> [image:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_on.jsp-3Fca-3D5e438167-2D9665-2D456f-2Db795-2D8cbba56c7244-26a-3D1116359785376-26c-3Df5945db0-2D8fd7-2D11e5-2Dba55-2Dd4ae529a7ef1-26ch-3Df5985550-2D8fd7-2D11e5-2Dba55-2Dd4ae529a7ef1&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=iYh7Zf8bbkYjyTwg5nSHoFyrhq72MK47CUaJdZphlJs&s=7zEcZjBhpfiu4u3SFzwTPv3RyjxglsyE26UYB_6HHvs&e=]
> [image:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__files.constantcontact.com_0ab7a3ce301_ea6d9fcd-2Dc620-2D44d2-2Db700-2D66b577358659.jpg&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=iYh7Zf8bbkYjyTwg5nSHoFyrhq72MK47CUaJdZphlJs&s=2R3EzjKwPPDrAM6EJAVu7U9u3puMdA4WZC162L83CdU&e=]
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3D001-2D-2DmRK3UOuTuju1Dh8hkN5PcRxbilUuB873x4VOsqSPJpgX1euI0qrp4ryr2kJuOmCbjADElPYJHV9ELpuDyoN6rvGfmje42ruRNvx4IK52hhJ33weN5o3BloGXzMs74rXADFiGpF4csAefW66tZyMg-3D-3D-26c-3DPbZ8M0MgErFKMJ1vonJlBXwC4ii1nEESc71Y96P6jglgkaJZBtJEVQ-3D-3D-26ch-3DC1LOk07bBxu4-2DL820TrtvUM3VLpsvzmdHT8wmkjADVIGsU0RmEDrvg-3D-3D&d=DwMCaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=u1MPjWaW8SdJEYZc72ETiQ&m=qJSZZA5tWSEFxIVaP-hKWHr_QAXxoXyl9J5rEB80HRs&s=Vffm5pdZ39ZbE0f2oZshQvuE4DtP6MT5b7QQ8Oq_5O0&e=>
> *Call for Proposals*
> *Due May 13, 2019*
> *Conference Date: July 12, 2019*
> *Tallahassee, Florida*
> *We would like to invite proposals for the first annual Panhandle Academic
> Libraries Conference on Friday, July 12, 2019 in Tallahassee.*
> With the support of the Panhandle Library Access Network (PLAN), we are
> pleased to present the first annual conference in the Panhandle for
> academic libraries.  Our theme is*Making Connections, Building Bridges*.
> Libraries have long been places of connections—connections between people,
> ideas, and the community. Libraries are safe places on campus for students
> to discover new thoughts and ideas by interacting with fellow students and
> faculty. The academic library has been called the heart of the university
> or college, and as the center of the campus connecting learning and human
> interaction, this statement is as true today as ever.
> The planning committee seeks session proposals for the conference, which
> will be held at the FLVC Tallahassee Office (1753 W. Paul Dirac Dr.) on
> Friday, July 12, 2019.
> We seek proposals related to the conference theme in the areas of:
>    - Subject Librarianship
>    - Collaborations
>    - Collections and Funding
>    - Instruction
>    - Technology
>    - Innovation
> Share your experiences, both successes and learning opportunities, with
> your Panhandle colleagues. We will accept a maximum of TWO proposals per
> presenter (including individual and panel presentations).
> *DEADLINE:*Proposals are due by 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, May 13, 2019.
> Applicants will be notified about their proposal status by May 20, 2019.
> *Panel Discussion*
> 40-minute discussion with 10 minute Q&A
> Two to four panelists will provide multiple, diverse perspectives on a
> topic or theme, followed by 10 minutes of question and answer from the
> audience. Proposal abstracts should highlight practical takeaways for
> attendees.
> *Presentation*
> 40-minute presentation with 10 minute Q&A
> Presenter(s) will speak with the audience for 40 minutes, followed by 10
> minutes of question and answer from the audience. Proposal abstracts should
> highlight practical takeaways for attendees.
> *Interactive Workshop*
> 50 minutes
> Presenters will engage attendees in active, hands-on learning. Proposal
> abstracts should present a clear description of the activity as well as
> highlight the practical takeaways for attendees.
> *Roundtable Discussion*
> 50 minutes
> Attendees are encouraged to participate in informal group discussions on
> topics of interest. Proposal abstracts should include sample questions that
> facilitators plan to use.
> We are excited for this first conference, and hope you will join us.
> Your conference organizing team:
>    - Michael Meth (Florida State University), Conference Chair
>    - Melissa Davis (Pensacola State College)
>    - Mike Lane (Pensacola State College)
>    - Alvin Lee (Florida A&M University)
>    - Valerie Boulos (Florida State University)
>    - Jenni McKnight (Florida State University)
>    - David Russell (Gulf Coast State College)
> *Submit Proposal
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3D001-2D-2DmRK3UOuTuju1Dh8hkN5PcRxbilUuB873x4VOsqSPJpgX1euI0qrjTO39RmASGzqBFMI0gTM1NjO-5FWg-5Fq6Ofitj5xRmRUCuLI-2Drk4M0wPWQKOwSLtOiappaTmrRMVJVPnPQIFdlBKc4I256IH5-2D7sXnkStqgD2k-26c-3DPbZ8M0MgErFKMJ1vonJlBXwC4ii1nEESc71Y96P6jglgkaJZBtJEVQ-3D-3D-26ch-3DC1LOk07bBxu4-2DL820TrtvUM3VLpsvzmdHT8wmkjADVIGsU0RmEDrvg-3D-3D&d=DwMCaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=u1MPjWaW8SdJEYZc72ETiQ&m=qJSZZA5tWSEFxIVaP-hKWHr_QAXxoXyl9J5rEB80HRs&s=E9FanAw-01Jpv1QbzpVN_v79Am_5MHAr6JLVPPJzwtM&e=>*
> [image:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__imgssl.constantcontact.com_letters_images_1101116784221_S.gif&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=iYh7Zf8bbkYjyTwg5nSHoFyrhq72MK47CUaJdZphlJs&s=dt4gsVW6JLOHUpICcfrLJXSILngvu8jXcTrH_q0dtZg&e=]
> [image:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__files.constantcontact.com_0ab7a3ce301_dc5289b1-2Dc812-2D4b16-2D93ac-2D1f31c334f298.jpg&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=iYh7Zf8bbkYjyTwg5nSHoFyrhq72MK47CUaJdZphlJs&s=A4QJe7cYktDXeduyjYZsRiZM-JMNtHl5xLQ6--11dAE&e=]
> [image: IMLS Logo]
> These programs are funded in part under the provisions of the Library
> Services and Technology Act, from the Institute of Museum and Library
> Services, administered by the Florida Department of State's Division of
> Library and Information Services.
> [image:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__imgssl.constantcontact.com_letters_images_1101116784221_S.gif&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=iYh7Zf8bbkYjyTwg5nSHoFyrhq72MK47CUaJdZphlJs&s=dt4gsVW6JLOHUpICcfrLJXSILngvu8jXcTrH_q0dtZg&e=]
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> ------------------------------
> Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written
> communications to or from College employees regarding College business are
> public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore,
> this email communication may be subject to public disclosure.
> ------------------------------
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> Fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu
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