[Fla-facrlboard] Resources to support EDI initiatives in academic libraries

Kim Copenhaver copenhka at eckerd.edu
Tue Feb 12 16:46:42 EST 2019

Hi all,

Just following up on our discussion this afternoon with resources of
interest to heighten member awareness and to support the growth of EDI
initiatives within our own respective institutions:

Office of Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services

   1. Continuing Education Resources
   2. Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
   3. Outreach Initiatives
   4. Webinar archives
   <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_aboutala_offices_diversity_odlos-2Dwebinars&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=cxII178qVLC4S1pNXIkl2riteGfP2ILUAMXO810aGcA&s=N0Kc06ozUMiqpx_5MWGK7XRePYAKVtRs9I-Tlr0ArKI&e=> and an
   opportunity to present on EDI issues related to the chosen theme.
   Currently, "Literacy as Social Justice."
   5. Subscribe to Intersections
   <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_advocacy_diversity_odlos-2Dblog&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=cxII178qVLC4S1pNXIkl2riteGfP2ILUAMXO810aGcA&s=lAnAZaO44QGyEiNefjS0wfxYpZzU566XF7GK8xeJTUQ&e=>, ODLOS' blog,
   highlights the work of library and information science workers as they
   create safe, responsible, and all-inclusive spaces that serve and represent
   the entire community, as well as initiatives and projects supported by the
   office that promotes their work.
   6. Subscribe to EDI Update
   <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_aboutala_offices_odlos-2Dmonthly-2Dnewsletter&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=cxII178qVLC4S1pNXIkl2riteGfP2ILUAMXO810aGcA&s=I385MJvjAtVXSFzsT4bzP92SePEjCt0i2TMSKvxuSQw&e=>: On the
   third Thursday of each month, the Office for Diversity, Literacy, and
   Outreach Services sends out a monthly e-Newsletter, highlighting issues and
   resources related to EDI.

ACRL's Core Strategic Initiative on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

   1. Creation of the EDI Core Strategic Initiative
   2. ACRL President's Discussion Program on EDI
   3. ACRL E-Learning Webinar Series
   <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_acrl_conferences_elearning_webcasts&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=cxII178qVLC4S1pNXIkl2riteGfP2ILUAMXO810aGcA&s=R2gsdcXY9NR4zjUAHkVq4oGW1r_65IJ5hNtZL7ONRSE&e=> - two free
   webcasts for the FACRL Chapter annually, up to three viewing locations
   permitted. A wide variety of topics.
   4. ACRL Online Discussion Forums
   <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_acrl_conferences_elearning_onlinediscussionforums&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=cxII178qVLC4S1pNXIkl2riteGfP2ILUAMXO810aGcA&s=EXjyjNIGdx21Jmn1vIa4353ExnmTcoTahKpNfvZARt8&e=> -
   free events offered by ACRL membership units on a wide variety of topics.
   5. White papers on "Recruiting to the Profession. Achieving Racial and
   Ethnic Diversity among Academic and Research Librarians: The Recruitment,
   Retention, and Advancement of Librarians of Color
    (October 2006) A White Paper by the ACRL Board of Directors Diversity
   Task Force, produced by Teresa Y. Neely, Ph.D. and Lorna Peterson, Ph.D.
   and Culture Keepers VI
   A companion piece to the ACRL Diversity White Paper by Julie Todaro,
   Past-President of ALA.

ACRL Diversity Alliance <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_acrl_issues_diversityalliance&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=cxII178qVLC4S1pNXIkl2riteGfP2ILUAMXO810aGcA&s=KaN3VdRZ1jToMNodpcH3Se40o6-PWUaRpzcau3pubf0&e=>
- The ACRL Diversity Alliance program unites academic libraries committed
to increasing the hiring pipeline of qualified and talented individuals
from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. By working together and
thinking more broadly, ACRL Diversity Alliance institutions will help
diversify and thereby enrich the profession.
**Note: The only Florida school listed as a member is Florida State
University (2017-2018)*

ACRL Diversity Alliance Task Force
Oversees the Diversity Alliance, serves as a champion of the program,
builds relationships and investigates partnerships with appropriate ACRL
and ALA groups, and proposes future directions, including governance, to
the ACRL Board of Directors.

ACRL Virtual Conference <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__conference.acrl.org_virtual-2Dconference_&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=cxII178qVLC4S1pNXIkl2riteGfP2ILUAMXO810aGcA&s=n4J-hA6iAisPCl1oYjjbKZ_o1pjMKqEdDhB9qNSGSBI&e=>:
Can't take everyone to Cleveland? Considering registering as a
group/institution for the ACRL Virtual Conference and host professional
development gatherings for staff, faculty, and members of your broader
community. Each registration includes unlimited access to the online
conference community for one year after the event and there are many
sessions focused on EDI and academic libraries.

The above are just a few that come to mind. I hope you will share others as
we seek to heighten awareness and nurture professional growth surrounding
issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion within academic libraries in our

Kimberly Copenhaver, M.A.
Associate Professor, Reference, Instruction & Access Services
(727) 864-7518 <727.864.7518>

Eckerd College <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__eckerd.edu&d=DwIBaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=cxII178qVLC4S1pNXIkl2riteGfP2ILUAMXO810aGcA&s=5H8HuBeCkVfTPzJ9NcegCag8HaEhI14hehTe-hPleOQ&e=>
4200 54th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33711
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