[Fla-facrl] Working from Home During a Pandemic Study

Renee Gould Renee.Gould at saintleo.edu
Fri Jun 18 13:02:32 EDT 2021

Dear Colleague,

We are conducting a study on library employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are looking for participants who worked in libraries throughout the United States during the time period of March 1st through June 1st, 2020, and for those library employees who stayed with the same company during that time frame. We really appreciate your participation and distribution of our survey invitation to those you feel may be interested. Click on the following link to participate in the survey: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://saintleo.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1IjYYiqLBNSByiV__;!!PhOWcWs!grxJH-QT0D_Sf1aOJ0Weq7oPhMEiuoSUdrlRaiMKphf9joUZbTePVwPHKzP9qZHmlhxpLw$ 

Please note:

Procedures: You will be asked 25 questions relevant to working from home during the pandemic.

Benefits: There is no direct benefit to you, but the results from this study will help develop new policies and incentives going forward.

Risks: None greater than those of daily life.

Costs/incentives: Participation in this study will cost nothing beyond 15 minutes of your time in filling out this survey.

Confidentiality: No information that can identify you personally will be collected as part of this research. The research is completely anonymous. The data you share will be saved in a password-protected file, ensuring its safety

Use of information: Findings from this study will be used to benefit the library community via means of publications in scholarly journal(s) and conference(s).

Voluntary Participation: Participants may withdraw from the study at any time or decline to participate without any penalty.

Thank you for your time,

Renée Gould, Marissa Smith, Michelle Joy, Amy Harris, Audrey Koke, and Delaney Rose

Saint Leo University

Cannon Memorial Library - MC2128

33701 State Road 52

Saint Leo, FL 33574

You'll love the person you become here

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