[Fla-facrl] Scholarship Opportunity: 2020 FACRL Annual Conference (Virtual)

Guy Cicinelli gcicinelli at aol.com
Tue Aug 25 09:51:00 EDT 2020

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to apply for one of the student scholarships to attend the 2020 FACRL Annual Conference, “Demonstrating the Value of Libraries during the COVID-19 Pandemic.”  The conference will take place virtually on Friday, October 16, 2020. Two scholarship winners will receive a $400 educational grant and complimentary registration to the conference. Application deadline:  Friday, September 11.  Winners will be notified on or before Wednesday, September 23rd.Don't Delay! Apply Today!  https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/SDxomrouUf39AqCg6__;!!PhOWcWs!kJ3l17NJEddoEVfvZx5V_v5xDU-NYIkdJX6y7BPA7m_jPXDVrbM1XoJrVyEfm5GilR2zgg$  Questions? Please contact Ava Brillat, FACRL Scholarship Chair at abrillat at miami.edu.

Sent on behalf of the FACRL
Guy CicinelliFACRL Communications Manageremail: gcicinelli at aol.com  
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