[FCLCA] Reminder - Submit Your Nomination for Open Officer Positions

Bodnar, Nick J. Nicholas.Bodnar at fscj.edu
Thu Mar 23 12:04:24 EDT 2023

Hello Florida,

With our first in-person conference set to resume in a couple of weeks in Tallahassee on April 5th, 6th, and 7th ,  I wanted to reminder everyone that FCLCA is still seeking nomination for 3 open officer positions: Professional Development Officer, Membership Secretary, and Vice President.

If you want to know more or submit a nomination, please visit the nomination form here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fscj.libwizard.com/id/7ec97e958144d26000373dc993051cec__;!!PhOWcWs!0x-rdjEE8Jhjlfle40a8IZvv5YYKOWdRSS-HPRtjVOFtmEy8uIu20YysEPPXZATZzrt0VKxgN4wSazhIUuBP_-O0O8F2HoM$ >.

Finally, if you are planning on attending the conference this year, do not forget to register<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.floridacollegelearning.org/2023conference__;!!PhOWcWs!0x-rdjEE8Jhjlfle40a8IZvv5YYKOWdRSS-HPRtjVOFtmEy8uIu20YysEPPXZATZzrt0VKxgN4wSazhIUuBP_-O038wEZQs$ >! I look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Nicholas Bodnar
FCLCA President
Downtown Campus - A3040C
nicholas.bodnar at fscj.edu

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