[Eoas-seminar] COAPS Short Seminar Series - Monday Feb. 7th at 11:00AM

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Wed Feb 2 15:46:53 EST 2022

These talks are usually scheduled for the first Monday of each month. 
The first talk normally starts at 11:00AM.  Each talk is typically 12 
minutes long (similar to many professional meetings), with 8 minutes for 

These talks will be presented via Zoom, with the following connection 


Meeting ID: 984 9166 0566
Passcode: 478314

Feb. 7th

Tyler Sherrod: Flash Droughts in the Wake of Landfalling Atlantic 
Tropical Cyclones

Description: A new methodology has been created to detect flash droughts 
based off cumulative daily anomalies of soil moisture, precipitation, 
and surface temperature. This allows for a more objective detection of 
the onset and demise of a flash drought. This method is then used to 
detect flash droughts that occur in the wake of landfalling Atlantic 
tropical cyclones.

Marc Castells: Using SAMOS ship-based data to examine SST-wind stress 
coupling across SST

Description: A positive correlation between sea surface temperature 
(SST) and wind stress has long been observed in satellite-derived global 
datasets. Model simulations in previous studies have determined which 
combinations of certain characteristics (high/low latitude, high/low 
wind speed across the front, and wide/narrow width of the front) should 
enable which of three mechanisms (pressure adjustment, stability, or 
Coriolis) to be dominant in the SST-wind stress coupling. This study 
uses SAMOS data from ships crossing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to 
solve for a cross-front momentum equation along the ships' tracks. The 
value of each term of this equation, and how it varies with distance 
from the SST front, give an indication of which coupling mechanism is 
dominant in each case. Cases can be categorized by their combination of 
characteristics to draw comparisons with previous model studies.

Emily Powell: The 2021 Florida weather and climate annual review

Description: With the turn of a new year, we will take a look back at 
the weather and climate for Florida in 2021. We will briefly look at 
nationwide temperature and precipitation for the year and then take a 
closer look at statewide and local level statistics and where 2021 fits 
within long-term trends in our climate. We will also discuss the hazards 
and severe weather that impacted Florida, as well as large-scale 
patterns like ENSO that influenced our weather during the year.

March 7th:

Renee Richardson:

Heather Holbach: Operational SFMR Algorithm Update

Description: The Stepped-Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) is the 
primary remote sensing instrument on the Hurricane Hunter aircraft for 
obtaining surface wind speed estimates in tropical cyclones.  This talk 
will discuss the updates being made to the SFMR algorithm to improve the 
accuracy of the wind speed retrievals at high wind speeds (≥ 100 kts).

Alexandra Bozec:

April 4th:

Xu Chen:
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