[Eoas-seminar] Wilton (Tony) Sturges

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Mon Dec 26 19:21:23 EST 2022

Long time FSU Dept of Oceanography member and colleague Wilton (Tony) Sturges, III passed away on Dec 26, 2022 following a bout with COVID and a downturn in health.  Prof Sturges graduated in physics with honors from Auburn University in 1957.  He then worked as an Ensign in the US Navy at the US Naval Weapons Laboratory in Dahlgran, VA prior to entering graduate school at Johns Hopkins University in 1960.  He received an MS and a PhD from Johns Hopkins, after which he joined the faculty at the University of Rhode Island as an Assistant Professor in 1966.  After promotion and tenure, he accepted an appointment at the Florida State University Dept of Oceanography in 1972.  He retired from FSU in 2001 after serving two separate stints as Department Chair.  Under his leadership, Oceanography at FSU grew in numbers and earned national and international recognition.  Widely recognized as an expert on the Gulf of Mexico, ocean circulation and sea level, Prof Sturges published over 60 scientifically reviewed articles, with his latest appearing in 2021, two decades after receipt of Emeritus status in 2001. In 2005, he co-edited a highly regarded monograph on the Gulf of Mexico circulation. He also served on several committees of the National Academies of Science and Engineering focusing on a variety of oceanographic issues and advised the state of Florida and the Minerals Management Service on Oil Spill risk assessment.  Often sought for service on external review committees, Prof Sturges was known for his objectivity and fairness and his kind touches in all his dealings.
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