[Eoas-seminar] Upcoming MET Seminars

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Sun Oct 18 13:48:49 EDT 2020

Dear all, 

Mark your calendars for our upcoming Meteorology seminars! We have an exciting lineup of speakers for the rest of the semester. We have lots of student defenses scheduled between October 26 and November 13, as well as outside speakers scheduled as follows:

October 22: Dr. Jane Baldwin <https://scholar.princeton.edu/jbaldwin/home> (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory): "Understanding Tropical Cyclone Risk: from Mountain Drivers to Economic Impacts”
November 12: Dr. Catherine Pomposi <https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherine-pomposi-phd-59565023/> (USAID): "Understanding recent precipitation variability: from a scientific to a policy and development lens”
November 19: Prof. Eric Winsberg <https://www.winsberg.net/> (University of South Florida): "Why study solar radiation management? A case study in the cost of acquiring new evidence”
December 3: Dr. Ryan Truchelut <https://weathertiger.com/> (WeatherTiger): "From the "Weather Guy" to WeatherTiger: Explorations in Scientific Entrepreneurship” [Check out a sneak preview of WeatherTiger at the 15th TechGrant Elevator Pitch Night <https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XH0UexUoQ-Gyaq249Wncaw> on October 21)

Each of the above seminars is on a Thursday starting at 3:30 PM, but we will open up the Zoom session at 3:00 PM for informal discussion before the seminar. The seminars are open to the whole department and we hope to see many of you there!

Zoom links to follow. 



On behalf of the Meteorology Seminar Committee (Zhaohua Wu, Philip Sura, and myself)

Allison Wing, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science
Florida State University
awing at fsu.edu

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