[COGS] Upcoming Campus Involvement Opportunities

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Fri Feb 16 09:28:05 EST 2024

Dear Representatives,

There are many things coming up around campus that you might be interested in getting involved in!

  1.  Join the Fellowships and Awards Networking Event aimed at creating interdisciplinary collaborations and peer support networks to support your pursuit of applying for graduate funding. The OGFA Fall Networking Event will take place in the HSF Nancy H. Marcus Great Hall on Thursday, February 29 from 5 to 7 p.m. Space is limited. Register here.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aaBS4vKYd0xN41M__;!!PhOWcWs!xTpgUcaJ7IatUh_kCVKUI2WhJ6-HaTqw_udh36426z9BjU32AH8m9FBWpCFnpNGORAeZqpeoEMeYYLQ0qIDVKd6iwQ$> Please see attached flier for more information.

  2.  The 11th Annual Women in Leadership Conference is set for Tuesday 3/5/24 from 3-8pm. You can see the Schedule/panelists here: https://cci.fsu.edu/women-in-leadership/panel-speakers/ You can RSVP here: https://cci.fsu.edu/women-in-leadership/register/

Lecture on U.S. immigration policy and national security organized by the Center for Global Engagement on Tuesday, March. More information is on the attached flier.


Laura Vaughn
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
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