[COGS] Fw: FLI Mentorship Program

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Mon Sep 11 17:55:48 EDT 2023

Dear Representatives,

Here is an opportunity for you if you are interested!


Laura Vaughn
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu

Good Afternoon!

My name is Grace Dennig and I am the Facilitator of Mentors for the Freshman Leadership Institute this year. The Freshman Leadership Institute is an executive project within the Student Government Association at Florida State University. FLI’s mission is to provide members with the opportunity to embrace their personal values, explore and develop their personal leadership style, and foster a deeper sense of self-identity.

One of the most special parts of this program is the Mentoring portion. Each participant in the Freshman cohort is paired with a Peer Mentor who will provide guidance and assistance as the student adjusts to campus life and prepares them to expand their involvement at Florida State. The applications to apply to be a mentor are open and close Tuesday, September 12th. I am reaching out to you to extend the invitation to your members to apply. The Congress of Graduate Students is a coveted and respected organization on campus, and we believe your members would be an incredible asset to this program.

Attached is the link to apply<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://linktr.ee/fsufli?fbclid=PAAaYemUDk8W7drxAXnS4aXS6ivQkq3SgAgbryRp8q2dJd7XxNdBHf4taRNDE_aem_AR7SlyFrmh-u7PDmtwiXQBaGUFBReehOZR9M-lwRnyRcaa8wNqXXXm6OKEmURaE3RVM__;!!PhOWcWs!2HLB7QI77XsFzICSh7s7gUtYQm4BhHB8ZjTJgfAMc7d4HDBQpbwdf4ax3e5p5s86vYKju7NWzg0rcAyBktWs-GDH34p09TbeIQ$>, which can also be found on our instagram: @fsufli

Please let us know if you have any questions.

In Seminole Pride,

Jaden Hamid, Director

Urielle Laurent, Assistant Director

Parker Barker & Snailey Dol, Facilitator of Administration

Lorena Bernaver, Facilitator of Activities

Grace Dennig, Facilitator of Mentors

Kailen Chrisitian, Facilitator of Operations


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