[COGS] Reminder: COGS Election Process - Next Steps

COGS Deputy Speaker for Communication SGA-COGS-Communication at fsu.edu
Mon Oct 16 16:19:03 EDT 2023

Dear Representatives,

Don't forget to send in your campaign donation information this week! Also remember:

  *   COGS Candidates DO NOT need to attend the mandatory candidate seminars on 10/16 and 10/17, they are excused from attending.
  *   On or a little before 10/18, COGS candidates will need to send the Supervisor of Elections a document detailing any campaign donations they have received. If they have not received any donations all they need to do is submit a signed statement that they have not received any donations. This document is due by 12pm.
Election day is 10/25 with online voting via the Elections website
  *   On 10/27, the Friday following an election. All candidates will need to submit a final expense statement which includes any donations and expenditures during a student’s campaign for office. If they did not spend any money, all they would need to do is to submit a signed statement that they did not spend any money for their campaign. This document is due by 12pm.

Some of you have asked what to send to Spencer and the election committee when it comes to the campaign donation statement. I've attached a sample of what I will be sending to this email in .doc format. Make sure that you sign it before sending it to SGAElect at admin.fsu.edu


Laura Vaughn
Deputy Speaker of Communications
Congress of Graduate Students
sga-cogs-communication at fsu.edu
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